Commit bdfbad02 by Giang Tran

Merge branch 'thuynt_change_bank_view' into '08_April'

change bank view

See merge request !2
parents cebec552 1db9aa68
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import {getListBank, addMethodBank} from '../../apis/Functions/Widthdraw';
import {showLoading, hideLoading} from '../../actions/loadingAction';
import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
import I18n from '../../helper/i18/i18n';
import SelectBankModal from './SelectBankModal';
const {width} = Dimensions.get('window');
......@@ -104,12 +105,20 @@ const AddMethodPay = (props) => {
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<Text style={styles.txtTitle}>Chn ngân hàng </Text>
onValueChange={(value, items) => {
{/* value={bank_id}*/}
{/* data={data}*/}
{/* onValueChange={(value, items) => {*/}
{/* setBankID(items);*/}
{/* }}*/}
title={'Chọn ngân hàng'}
onPressItem = {(item) => {
onChangeText={(val) => setBankName(val)}
import React from 'react';
import {View, Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, Image} from 'react-native';
import {getFontXD, HEIGHTXD, WIDTHXD, toPriceVnd, getWidth} from '../../Config/Functions';
import R from '../../assets/R';
import Block from '../../components/Block';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons';
import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
import {METHODPAYDETAIL} from '../../routers/ScreenNames';
const Item = (props) => {
const {item} = props;
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => props.onPress(item)}>
<View style={[styles.container, {marginBottom: props.isEndItem ? HEIGHTXD(100) : HEIGHTXD(15)}]}>
<Block flex={1} row center padding={[HEIGHTXD(10), WIDTHXD(10)]}>
<Image source={{uri: item.logo}} style={styles.imgIcon} />
<Block padding={[0, 10]}>
<Text style={styles.txtBig}>{item.title}</Text>
<Block space={'between'} row flex={1}>
<Text style={styles.txtRight}>{item.code}</Text>
<Text style={styles.txtRight}>{}</Text>
export default React.memo(Item);
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
marginTop: HEIGHTXD(10),
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 1,
shadowOpacity: 0.25,
shadowRadius: 3.84,
elevation: 2,
marginHorizontal: HEIGHTXD(10),
backgroundColor: R.colors.white,
marginBottom: 10,
borderRadius: HEIGHTXD(15),
width: getWidth() - WIDTHXD(105),
wrapLeft: {
width: WIDTHXD(16),
borderTopLeftRadius: HEIGHTXD(30),
borderBottomStartRadius: HEIGHTXD(30),
wrapDate: {
justifyContent: 'center',
paddingHorizontal: 10,
txtTitle: {
fontSize: getFontXD(42),
fontWeight: 'bold',
txt: {
fontSize: getFontXD(39),
color: '#929292',
fontStyle: 'italic',
rowBet: {
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
txtBlack: {
fontSize: getFontXD(42),
color: 'black',
imgIcon: {
width: WIDTHXD(200),
height: WIDTHXD(200),
resizeMode: 'contain',
txtLeft: {
fontSize: getFontXD(36),
color: '#929292',
marginBottom: 5,
txtBig: {
fontSize: getFontXD(42),
color: '#00359C',
txtRight: {
fontSize: getFontXD(36),
marginBottom: 5,
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ const colors = {
gray2: '#cccccc',
gray1: '#bfbfbf',
gray4: '#e6e6e6',
gray5: 'rgba(226,232,235, 1)',
orange: '#FF9C00',
lightBlue: '#1a8cff',
lightBlue1: '#008ae6',
......@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ const colors = {
rgbaBtn: 'rgba(127, 127, 191, 0.2)',
yellow: '#e6e600',
red: '#A60014',
red1: '#ff4d4d',
red1: '#e2e8eb',
export default colors;
......@@ -74,9 +74,11 @@ export default {
Success: 'Success',
Ok: 'Ok',
Can_not_get_data: "Can't get data",
Search: 'Search',
NullDataSearch: "Data not found",
Cancel: 'Cancel',
Close: 'Close',
Detail: 'Detail',
No_Internet: 'No internet',
Check_Internet_Connect: 'Check internet connect',
Retry: 'Retry',
......@@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ export default {
Success: 'Thành công',
Can_not_get_data: 'Không lấy được dữ liệu!',
Cancel: 'Huỷ',
Search: 'Tìm kiếm',
NullDataSearch: "Không tìm thấy kết quả",
Close: 'Đóng',
Detail: 'Chit tiết',
No_Internet: 'Không có kết nốt Internet',
Check_Internet_Connect: 'Kiểm tra lại đường truyền',
Retry: 'Thử lại',
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