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=== WP Responsive Testimonials Slider And Widget ===
Contributors: pareshpachani007
Tags: testimonial, Testimonial, video testimonial, client video testimonial, client video slider, youtube video testimonials, responsive video testimonial, rotators Testimonial with video, rotators video Testimonials, widget, sidebar video, footer testimonial, testimonials video showcase, video gallery,  Best testimonial slider, Responsive testimonial slider, rating Testimonial, client testimonial slider, easy testimonial slider, testimonials with widget, wordpress testimonial with widget, testimonial rotator, youtube slider testimonial, Testimonial slider, testimonial with shortcode, client testimonial, client, customer, shortcodes, pro testimonial, premium testimonial plugin. 
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to:5.2.2
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easily add and create Testimonials slider and Grid view with video, Star Rating and Social Link, you can create Testimonial to your WordPress Blog or Website using a shortcode as well as sidebar widget. with 7+ design style template.

== Description ==
Simply add Testimonials to your WordPress Blog website,  or any WordPress CMS Website. It works same as WordPress Post, you can include your tribute creators, employment, pictures, pictures measure, youtube, website URL, member designation and social URL. Where you can display testimonial in list view, in grid view and slider testimonial with responsive and widget.

Testimonials are an extraordinary method to reinforce your image and unwavering quality with new clients.

**[Free Live Demo](**
**[How to Installation](**
= This testimonial plugin works two shortcode =

* <code>[testimonials_slider]</code>
* <code>[testimonials_grid]</code> 

* No Need Coding Skills. 
* You can easily show/hide and customize every field.
* Set your Testimonial within 2 minutes.
* Fully Responsive and Mobile friendly.
* Shortcode Generator.
* Create with multiple category.
* Beautiful, minimalist & light-weight.
* Add unlimited testimonials.
* Unique settings for each testimonial showcase.
* Touch, swipe or tap on iOS, Android or any other touch devices with on/off option.

= Common Shortcode Paramaters for Grid And Slider =
* **Design Template:**
design_template="template-1" (i.e. Set the design template for testimonials. Option: template-1, template-2, upto 8).

* **Testimonial Limit:**
limit="-1" ( i.e. Set number of testimonial on your website, default value is "-1" it mean all. Option: any number).

* **Grid:**
grid="5" (i.e. Set testimonials in Grid view. 5 is a number of grid. Option: any number).

* **Order:**
order="ASC" (i.e. Set order of your testimonials in ascending and descending order. Option: "ASC" OR "DESC").

* **Orderby:**
orderby="title" (i.e. Set testimonials  orderby. Option:  "title" OR "post_date" OR "none" OR "name" OR "rand" OR "ID").

* **Display by category:**
category="category_ID" (i.e. Set testimonials by  category ID. Option: Any category ID).

* **Show client name:**
show_client="false" (i.e. To display client name. Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Show star rating:**
show_star="true" (i.e. To display star rate. Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Show image:**
show_img="false" (i.e. To display avatar image. Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Show job title:**
show_job="false"(i.e. To display  job title. Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Show company name:**
show_company="false" (i.e. To display company name .Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Image style:**
image_style="square"(i.e. Set image shape. Option: square, and circle).

* **Image size:** 
size="150"  ( i.e. Set size of image in px. Option: 150, 200, 300).

* **Show double and single quotes:**
show_quotes="false" ( i.e. To display quotes .Option:  "true" OR "false").

* **Show video:**
video="false" (i.e. To display video. Option: "true" OR "false").

* **Show social:**
social="false" (i.e. To display social. Option: "true" OR "false").

= Slider Shortcode Paramaters =

* **Number of slide can move at a time:**
slides_scroll="2" (i.e. Set move and rotate slider slide at a time).

* **Pagination Dots:**
dots="false" (i.e. To display slider slide pagination bullets. Option:  "true" OR "false").

* **Left Right Arrows:** 
arrows="false" (i.e. To display slider previous and next arrows. Option:  "true" OR "false").

* **Autoplay:**
autoplay="false"(i.e. To  move slide automatically in slider. Option:  "true" OR "false"). 

* **Autoplay interval:**
autoplay_interval="1000" (i.e. To set interval time between two slide in Millisecond).

* **Slide speed:**
speed="3000" (i.e. To set slider slide moving speed in Millisecond).

* **Auto set height:**
adaptive_height="false"(i.e. To auto adjust slider slide hight. Option:  "true" OR "false").

= How to install & Setup Plugin : =

== Installation ==

1. Upload the 'wp responsive testimonials slider and widget' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
2. Activate the "WP Responsive Testimonials Slider and Widget" list plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Add a new page and add this short code. 
4. This plugin works with Grid view.
5. This plugin works with Slider view.

== Screenshots ==
1. How to Add Testimonial. 
2. All Testimonials List.
3. How to generate shortcode and how to use widget.
4. Testimonial according to the category.
5. Preview testimonial in Slider.
6. Preview logo portfolio Grid.

== Changelog ==
= 1.5 =
* change css code.
* change input field as per WordPress guideline.
* change java script code.
* add new social field. 
= 1.4 =
* make shortcode ganrater easy.
* change input field as per WordPress guideline.

= 1.3 =
* upload screenshots.
* some file text change.

= 1.2 =
* some css add.
* script change.

= 1.1 =
* create video testimonial.
* create social field.

= 1.0 =
* initial release.