Commit dfda28da by Trần Văn Minh

gọi ajax

parent 6ad20bc1
......@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ class CrawlerNctTrackListenCommand extends Command
$data = $this->trackRepository->getNctTrackListen($inserted);
// file_get_contents('http://localhost:8000/get-counter');
// sendRequest('http://localhost:8000/get-counter', [], 'GET');
// cURL('http://localhost:8000/get-counter');
// return false;
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use App\Models\Crontjob;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class NctController extends Controller
public function getCounter()
// $client = new Client();
// $url = '';
// $res = $client->get($url,['headers' => [
// 'access-control-allow-origin' => '*',
// ]ư);
// // echo $res->getStatusCode(); // 200
// print_r('<pre>' . print_r((string)$res->getBody(), true) . '</pre>');
return View('welcome');
public function updateCounter()
// error_log('counter: '.request('counter'));
$counter = request('counter');
return $counter;
// return View("result")->with($counter);
// Crontjob::create(['message' => request('counter')]);
public function returnCounter($counter)
return View("result")->with($counter);
// return redirect()->action('NctController@getCounter');
......@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ class VerifyCsrfToken extends BaseVerifier
* @var array
protected $except = [
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace App\Repositories;
use App\Helpers\Constants;
use App\Models\CrawlerListen;
use App\Models\Track;
use Goutte\Client;
use Sunra\PhpSimple\HtmlDomParser;
use Yangqi\Htmldom\Htmldom;
......@@ -437,23 +438,41 @@ class TrackRepository extends BaseRepository
public function getNctTrackListen($inserted)
return file_get_contents('');
// return file_get_contents('');
$tracks = [];
// file_get_contents('http://localhost:8000/get-counter');
// return false;
if (count($inserted) > 0) {
foreach ($inserted as $key => $track) {
$url = $track['link_nct'];
// $doc = new DomDocument();
//$dom = new Htmldom($url);
$dom = file_get_contents($url);
// $html = new Htmldom($url);
// $dom = file_get_contents($url);
$dom = file_get_contents('http://localhost:8000/get-counter');
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8000/get-counter');
// $button = $crawler->selectButton('Nhấn');
$crawler =$client->click($crawler->selectLink('more')->link());
$html = $client->getResponse()->getContent();
$newCrawler = new Crawler($html);
$crawler->filter('div')->each(function ($node) {
print $node->text()."\n";
// print_r($crawler);
// print_r($track);
/* Lấy tên bài hát ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*$element_track_title = 'div.show_listen span';
foreach ($dom->find($element_track_title) as $data) {
$tracks[$track['id']] = str_replace([], [], $data->innertext);
// $element_track_title = 'div.show_listen span';
// if (preg_match('/<div id="total">([^<]*)<\/div>/', $dom, $matches) > 0) {
// print_r($matches); //This is text one
// }
// foreach ($html->find($element_track_title) as $data) {
// $tracks[$track['id']] = str_replace([], [], $data->innertext);
// print_r($data);
// }
......@@ -6,12 +6,18 @@
"type": "project",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.6.4",
"fabpot/goutte": "3.2.3",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "6.3",
"ixudra/curl": "^6.19",
"laravel/framework": "5.4.*",
"laravel/tinker": "~1.0",
"maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0",
"phpmailer/phpmailer": "^6.1",
"sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser": "^1.5",
"symfony/browser-kit": "3.4.3",
"symfony/css-selector": "3.4.3",
"symfony/dom-crawler": "3.4.40",
"symfony/phpunit-bridge": "4",
"yangqi/htmldom": "@dev"
"require-dev": {
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ class Htmldom {
return true;
if (!preg_match("/^[\w-:]+$/", $tag)) {
if (!preg_match("/^[\w\-:]+$/", $tag)) {
$node->_[YANGQI_HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until('<>');
if ($this->char==='<') {
$this->link_nodes($node, false);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<!-- Fonts -->
......@@ -63,8 +63,12 @@
margin-bottom: 30px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="total"></div>
<div><h2 id="get">2</h2></div>
<!-- <a onclick="Ajax();">more</a> -->
<div class="flex-center position-ref full-height">
@if (Route::has('login'))
<div class="top-right links">
......@@ -93,3 +97,68 @@
setTimeout(function() {
}, 60000);
function Ajax(){
var url = '';
// $.get( url, function( data ) {
// var obj =;
// console.log(obj);
// for (const property in obj) {
// console.log(obj[property]);
// $('#get').html(obj[property]);
// counter = obj[property];
// }
// // $( "#get" ).html( data );
// // alert( "Load was performed." );
// });
type: "GET",
url: url,
data: {},
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
var obj =;
// data_json = JSON.parse(data);
var counter = 0;
for (const property in obj) {
counter = obj[property];
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
type: "POST",
url: 'http://localhost:8000/update-counter',
data: {
counter: counter
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
console.log('Cập nhật thành công: '+data);
var obj =;
// data_json = JSON.parse(data);
for (const property in obj) {
// console.log(data_json);
......@@ -14,3 +14,7 @@
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
Route::get('/get-counter', 'NctController@getCounter');
Route::post('/update-counter', 'NctController@updateCounter');
Route::get('/return-counter/{counter}', 'NctController@returnCounter');
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