Commit 27d124e8 by Phạm Văn Đoan

thay đổi thời gian lấy nhạc sĩ ở zing

parent 91b7bcc2
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class UpdateTrackArtistCommand extends Command
->where('id_zing', '<>', '')
if ($array_zing_track) {
......@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
// Cập nhật thông tin ca sĩ, nhạc sĩ sau 21h
$schedule->command('track:update-artist zing')->dailyAt('21:05');
//$schedule->command('track:update-artist zing')->dailyAt('21:05');
$schedule->command('track:update-artist zing')->twiceDaily(12, 14);
$schedule->command('track:update-artist zing')->dailyAt('20:10');
$schedule->command('track:update-artist keeng')->dailyAt('21:10');
$schedule->command('track:update-artist nct')->dailyAt('21:15');
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