common_helper.php 7.96 KB
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<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
* @package		CodeIgniter
* @author		ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright	Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @since		Version 1.0
* @filesource

if (! function_exists('get_settings')) {
    function get_settings($key = '') {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();

        $CI->db->where('key', $key);
        $result = $CI->db->get('settings')->row()->value;
        return $result;

if (! function_exists('currency')) {
    function currency($price = "") {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();
        if ($price != "") {
            $CI->db->where('key', 'system_currency');
            $currency_code = $CI->db->get('settings')->row()->value;

            $CI->db->where('code', $currency_code);
            $symbol = $CI->db->get('currency')->row()->symbol;

            $CI->db->where('key', 'currency_position');
            $position = $CI->db->get('settings')->row()->value;

            if ($position == 'right') {
                return $price.$symbol;
            }elseif ($position == 'right-space') {
                return $price.' '.$symbol;
            }elseif ($position == 'left') {
                return $symbol.$price;
            }elseif ($position == 'left-space') {
                return $symbol.' '.$price;

if (! function_exists('currency_code_and_symbol')) {
    function currency_code_and_symbol($type = "") {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();
        $CI->db->where('key', 'system_currency');
        $currency_code = $CI->db->get('settings')->row()->value;

        $CI->db->where('code', $currency_code);
        $symbol = $CI->db->get('currency')->row()->symbol;
        if ($type == "") {
            return $symbol;
        }else {
            return $currency_code;


if (! function_exists('get_frontend_settings')) {
    function get_frontend_settings($key = '') {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();

        $CI->db->where('key', $key);
        $result = $CI->db->get('frontend_settings')->row()->value;
        return $result;

if ( ! function_exists('slugify'))
    function slugify($text) {
        $text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text);
        $text = trim($text, '-');
        $text = strtolower($text);
        //$text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text);
        if (empty($text))
        return 'n-a';
        return $text;

if ( ! function_exists('get_video_extension'))
    // Checks if a video is youtube, vimeo or any other
    function get_video_extension($url) {
        if (strpos($url, '.mp4') > 0) {
            return 'mp4';
        } elseif (strpos($url, '.webm') > 0) {
            return 'webm';
        } else {
            return 'unknown';

if ( ! function_exists('ellipsis'))
    // Checks if a video is youtube, vimeo or any other
    function ellipsis($long_string, $max_character = 30) {
        $short_string = strlen($long_string) > $max_character ? substr($long_string, 0, $max_character)."..." : $long_string;
        return $short_string;

// This function helps us to decode the theme configuration json file and return that array to us
if ( ! function_exists('themeConfiguration'))
    function themeConfiguration($theme, $key = "")
        $themeConfigs = [];
        if (file_exists('assets/frontend/'.$theme.'/config/theme-config.json')) {
            $themeConfigs = file_get_contents('assets/frontend/'.$theme.'/config/theme-config.json');
            $themeConfigs = json_decode($themeConfigs, true);
            if ($key != "") {
                if (array_key_exists($key, $themeConfigs)) {
                    return $themeConfigs[$key];
                } else {
                    return false;
            }else {
                return $themeConfigs;
        } else {
            return false;

// Human readable time
if ( ! function_exists('readable_time_for_humans')){
    function readable_time_for_humans($duration) {
        if ($duration) {
            $duration_array = explode(':', $duration);
            $hour   = $duration_array[0];
            $minute = $duration_array[1];
            $second = $duration_array[2];
            if ($hour > 0) {
                $duration = $hour.' '.get_phrase('hr').' '.$minute.' '.get_phrase('min');
            }elseif ($minute > 0) {
                if ($second > 0) {
                    $duration = ($minute+1).' '.get_phrase('min');
                    $duration = $minute.' '.get_phrase('min');
            }elseif ($second > 0){
                $duration = $second.' '.get_phrase('sec');
            }else {
                $duration = '00:00';
        }else {
            $duration = '00:00';
        return $duration;

if ( ! function_exists('trimmer'))
    function trimmer($text) {
        $text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text);
        $text = trim($text, '-');
        $text = strtolower($text);
        $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text);
        if (empty($text))
        return 'n-a';
        return $text;

if ( ! function_exists('lesson_progress'))
    function lesson_progress($lesson_id = "", $user_id = "") {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();
        if ($user_id == "") {
            $user_id = $CI->session->userdata('user_id');
        $user_details = $CI->user_model->get_all_user($user_id)->row_array();
        $watch_history_array = json_decode($user_details['watch_history'], true);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($watch_history_array); $i++) {
          $watch_history_for_each_lesson = $watch_history_array[$i];
          if ($watch_history_for_each_lesson['lesson_id'] == $lesson_id) {
              return $watch_history_for_each_lesson['progress'];
        return 0;
if ( ! function_exists('course_progress'))
    function course_progress($course_id = "", $user_id = "") {
        $CI	=&	get_instance();
        if ($user_id == "") {
            $user_id = $CI->session->userdata('user_id');
        $user_details = $CI->user_model->get_all_user($user_id)->row_array();

        // this array will contain all the completed lessons from different different courses by a user
        $completed_lessons_ids = array();

        // this variable will contain number of completed lessons for a certain course. Like for this one the course_id
        $lesson_completed = 0;

        // User's watch history
        $watch_history_array = json_decode($user_details['watch_history'], true);
        // desired course's lessons
        $lessons_for_that_course = $CI->crud_model->get_lessons('course', $course_id);
        // total number of lessons for that course
        $total_number_of_lessons = $lessons_for_that_course->num_rows();
        // arranging completed lesson ids
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($watch_history_array); $i++) {
          $watch_history_for_each_lesson = $watch_history_array[$i];
          if ($watch_history_for_each_lesson['progress'] == 1) {
              array_push($completed_lessons_ids, $watch_history_for_each_lesson['lesson_id']);

        foreach ($lessons_for_that_course->result_array() as $row) {
          if (in_array($row['id'], $completed_lessons_ids)) {

        // calculate the percantage of progress
        $course_progress = ($lesson_completed / $total_number_of_lessons) * 100;
        return $course_progress;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* End of file common_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/helpers/common.php */