import io.invertase.gradle.common.PackageJson buildscript { // The Android Gradle plugin is only required when opening the android folder stand-alone. // This avoids unnecessary downloads and potential conflicts when the library is included as a // module dependency in an application project. if (project == rootProject) { repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath("") } } } plugins { id "" version "1.4" } def appProject if (findProject(':@react-native-firebase_app')) { appProject = project(':@react-native-firebase_app') } else if (findProject(':react-native-firebase_app')) { appProject = project(':react-native-firebase_app') } else { throw new GradleException('Could not find the react-native-firebase/app package, have you installed it?') } def packageJson = PackageJson.getForProject(project) def appPackageJson = PackageJson.getForProject(appProject) def firebaseBomVersion = appPackageJson['sdkVersions'] ? appPackageJson['sdkVersions']['android']['firebase'] : "25.3.1" def coreVersionDetected = appPackageJson['version'] def coreVersionRequired = packageJson['peerDependencies'][appPackageJson['name']] // Only log after build completed so log warning appears at the end if (coreVersionDetected != coreVersionRequired) { gradle.buildFinished { project.logger.warn("ReactNativeFirebase WARNING: NPM package '${packageJson['name']}' depends on '${appPackageJson['name']}' v${coreVersionRequired} but found v${coreVersionDetected}, this might cause build issues or runtime crashes.") } } project.ext { set('react-native', [ versions: [ android : [ minSdk : 16, targetSdk : 28, compileSdk: 28, // optional as gradle.buildTools comes with one by default // overriding here though to match the version RN uses buildTools: "28.0.3" ], firebase: [ bom: firebaseBomVersion, ], ], ]) } apply from: file("./../../app/android/firebase-json.gradle") def autoInitEnabled = "true" def notificationChannelId = "" def defaultNotificationColor = "@color/white"; def notificationColor = defaultNotificationColor if (rootProject.ext && rootProject.ext.firebaseJson) { if (rootProject.ext.firebaseJson.isFlagEnabled("messaging_auto_init_enabled") == false) { autoInitEnabled = "false" } notificationChannelId = rootProject.ext.firebaseJson.getStringValue("messaging_android_notification_channel_id", "") notificationColor = rootProject.ext.firebaseJson.getStringValue("messaging_android_notification_color", defaultNotificationColor) } android { defaultConfig { multiDexEnabled true manifestPlaceholders = [ firebaseJsonAutoInitEnabled: autoInitEnabled, firebaseJsonNotificationChannelId: notificationChannelId, firebaseJsonNotificationColor: notificationColor ] } lintOptions { disable 'GradleCompatible' abortOnError false } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } } repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { api appProject implementation platform("${ReactNative.ext.getVersion("firebase", "bom")}") implementation "" } ReactNative.shared.applyPackageVersion() ReactNative.shared.applyDefaultExcludes() ReactNative.module.applyAndroidVersions() ReactNative.module.applyReactNativeDependency("api")