<?php /** * Test case extending the WordPress base */ abstract class Loco_test_WordPressTestCase extends WP_UnitTestCase { /** * @var string */ private $locale = 'en_US'; /** * @var array [ location, status ] */ private $redirect; /** * @var string */ private $fs_method; /** * @var bool */ private $fs_allow = true; /** * @var array<Loco_data_Cookie> */ private $cookies_set; /** * Drop all Loco data from the options table (including transients) * @return void */ protected static function dropOptions(){ global $wpdb; $query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '%s' OR option_name LIKE '%s'", array('loco_%','_%_loco_%') ); if( $results = $wpdb->get_results($query,ARRAY_N) ){ foreach( $results as $row ){ list( $option_name ) = $row; delete_option( $option_name ); } } } /** * @internal */ public static function setUpBeforeClass(){ parent::setUpBeforeClass(); Loco_data_Settings::clear(); Loco_data_Session::destroy(); Loco_data_RecentItems::destroy(); self::dropOptions(); // start with default permissions as if fresh install remove_role('translator'); Loco_data_Permissions::init(); } /** * @internal */ public static function tearDownAfterClass(){ parent::tearDownAfterClass(); Loco_data_Settings::clear(); Loco_data_Session::destroy(); Loco_data_RecentItems::destroy(); wp_cache_flush(); self::dropOptions(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setUp(){ parent::setUp(); Loco_mvc_PostParams::destroy(); Loco_error_AdminNotices::destroy(); Loco_package_Listener::destroy(); wp_cache_flush(); // text domains should be unloaded at start of all tests, and locale reset unset( $GLOBALS['locale'] ); $GLOBALS['l10n'] = array(); $this->enable_locale('en_US'); $this->assertSame( 'en_US', get_locale(), 'Ensure test site is English to start'); $this->assertSame( 'en_US', get_user_locale(),'Ensure test site is English to start'); // ensure test themes are registered and WordPress's cache is valid register_theme_directory( LOCO_TEST_DATA_ROOT.'/themes' ); $sniff = get_theme_roots(); if( ! isset($sniff['empty-theme']) ){ delete_site_transient( 'theme_roots' ); } // test plugins require a filter as multiple roots not supported in wp remove_all_filters('loco_missing_plugin'); add_filter( 'loco_missing_plugin', array(__CLASS__,'filter_allows_fake_plugins_to_exist'), 10, 2 ); // avoid WordPress missing index notices $GLOBALS['_SERVER'] += array ( 'HTTP_HOST' => 'localhost', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Loco/'.get_class($this), ); // remove all filters before adding remove_all_filters('filesystem_method'); remove_all_filters('loco_constant_DISALLOW_FILE_MODS'); remove_all_filters('file_mod_allowed'); remove_all_filters('loco_file_mod_allowed_context'); remove_all_filters('loco_setcookie'); // tests should always dictate the file system method, which defaults to direct add_filter('filesystem_method', array($this,'filter_fs_method') ); add_filter('loco_constant_DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', array($this,'filter_fs_disallow') ); add_filter('file_mod_allowed', array($this,'filter_fs_allow'), 10, 2 ); // <- wp 4.8 add_filter('loco_file_mod_allowed_context', array($this,'filter_fs_allow_context'),10,2); // <- used with file_mod_allowed // capture cookies so we can test what is set add_filter('loco_setcookie', array($this,'captureCookie'), 10, 1 ); $this->cookies_set = array(); $this->enable_network(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function clean_up_global_scope(){ parent::clean_up_global_scope(); $_COOKIE = array(); $_REQUEST = array(); } /** * Capture cookie and prevent actual http sending */ public function captureCookie( Loco_data_Cookie $cookie ){ $this->cookies_set[ $cookie->getName() ] = $cookie; return false; } /** * @return Loco_data_Cookie */ public function assertCookieSet( $name, $message = '' ){ $this->assertArrayHasKey( $name, $this->cookies_set, $message ); $cookie = $this->cookies_set[ $name ]; $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Loco_data_Cookie', $cookie, $message ); return $cookie; } /** * Invoke admin page controller without full hook set up * @return string HTML */ public static function renderPage(){ $router = new Loco_mvc_AdminRouter; $router->on_admin_menu(); $screen = get_current_screen(); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null; $router->initPage( $screen, $action ); return get_echo( array($router,'renderPage') ); } /** * Invoke Ajax controller without full hook set up. * @return string JSON */ protected function renderAjax(){ wp_magic_quotes(); // <- I hate this, but it's what WP does! $router = new Loco_mvc_AjaxRouter; $router->on_init(); return $router->renderAjax(); } /** * @internal */ public function filter_fs_method( $method = '' ){ return is_null($this->fs_method) ? $method : $this->fs_method; } /** * @return Loco_test_WordPressTestCase */ public function set_fs_method( $method ){ $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'] = null; $this->fs_method = $method; $ping = class_exists('Loco_test_DummyFtpConnect'); return $this; } /** * @return Loco_test_WordPressTestCase */ public function disable_file_mods(){ $this->fs_allow = false; return $this; } /** * Filters wp_is_file_mod_allowed for WP >= 4.8 * @internal */ public function filter_fs_allow( $bool, $context = '' ){ if( 'loco_test' === $context ){ $bool = $this->fs_allow; } return $bool; } /** * Filters DISALLOW_FILE_MODS for WP < 4.8 * @internal */ public function filter_fs_disallow(){ return ! $this->fs_allow; } /** * Filters context passed to filter_fs_allow * @internal */ public function filter_fs_allow_context( $context, Loco_fs_File $file = null ){ return 'loco_test'; } /** * Remove files created under tmp * @return void */ protected function clearTmp(){ $root = new Loco_fs_Directory( LOCO_TEST_DATA_ROOT.'/tmp' ); $dir = new Loco_fs_FileFinder( $root ); $dir->setRecursive( true ); $dirs = array(); /* @var $file Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $dir as $file ){ $dirs[ $file->dirname() ] = true; $file->unlink(); } // Be warned only directories found above will be removed foreach( array_keys($dirs) as $path ){ $dir = new Loco_fs_Directory($path); while( $dir->exists() && ! $dir->equal($root) ){ $dir->unlink(); $dir = $dir->getParent(); } } } /** * Log a mock user into WordPress * @return void */ protected function login( $role = 'administrator' ){ $wpRole = get_role($role); if( ! $wpRole ){ throw new Exception('No such role, '.$role ); } else if( ! $wpRole->capabilities ){ throw new Exception( $role.' role has no capabilities' ); } $user = self::factory()->user->create( array( 'role' => $role ) ); if( $user instanceof WP_Error ){ foreach( $user->get_error_messages() as $message ){ trigger_error( $message ); } throw new Exception('Failed to login'); } // setting user required to have proper user object $user = wp_set_current_user( $user ); // simulate default permissions used in admin menu hookage if( $user->has_cap('manage_options') ){ $user->add_cap('loco_admin'); } // simulate wp_set_auth_cookie. Can't actually set cookie cos headers $_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE] = wp_generate_auth_cookie( $user->ID, time()+60, 'logged_in' ); // $debug = array( 'name' => $this->getName(), 'token' => wp_get_session_token() ,'uid' => $user->ID ); // forcing new session instance new Loco_data_Session; } /** * Log out current WordPress user * @return void */ protected function logout(){ Loco_data_Session::destroy(); wp_destroy_current_session(); unset( $_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE] ); wp_set_current_user( 0 ); $GLOBALS['current_user'] = null; } /** * Disallow network access * @return void */ protected function disable_network(){ remove_all_filters('loco_allow_remote'); add_filter('loco_allow_remote', '__return_false' ); } /** * Enable network access * @return void */ protected function enable_network(){ remove_all_filters('loco_allow_remote'); } /** * Switch loco_debugging on * @return void */ protected function enable_debug(){ remove_all_filters('loco_debug'); add_filter('loco_debug', '__return_true' ); } /** * Switch loco_debugging off * @return void */ protected function disable_debug(){ remove_all_filters('loco_debug'); add_filter('loco_debug', '__return_false' ); } /** * Temporarily enable the "en_GB_debug" test locale * @return void */ protected function enable_debug_locale(){ return $this->enable_locale('en_GB_debug'); } /** * Temporarily enable a specific locale * @return void */ protected function enable_locale( $tag ){ $locale = Loco_Locale::parse($tag); $this->locale = (string) $locale; remove_all_filters('locale'); add_filter('locale', array($this,'_filter_locale') ); } /** * @internal */ public function _filter_locale(){ return $this->locale; } /** * Temporarily set test data root to content directory * @return void */ public function enable_test_content_dir(){ remove_all_filters('loco_constant_WP_CONTENT_DIR'); add_filter('loco_constant_WP_CONTENT_DIR', array($this,'_filter_wp_content_dir'), 10, 0 ); } /** * @internal */ public function _filter_wp_content_dir(){ return LOCO_TEST_DATA_ROOT; } /** * @internal */ public function capture_redirects(){ remove_all_filters('wp_redirect'); add_filter('wp_redirect', array($this,'filter_wp_redirect'), 10, 2 ); } /** * @internal */ public function filter_wp_redirect( $location, $status ){ $this->redirect = func_get_args(); return false; } public static function filter_allows_fake_plugins_to_exist( array $data, $handle ){ $file = LOCO_TEST_DATA_ROOT.'/plugins/'.$handle; if( file_exists($file) ) { $data = get_plugin_data($file); $snip = -strlen($handle); $data['basedir'] = substr($file,0,--$snip); } return $data; } /** * @return string location */ public function assertRedirected( $status = 302, $message = 'Failed to redirect' ){ $raw = $this->redirect; $this->assertInternalType('array', $raw, $message ); $this->assertSame( $status, $raw[1], $message ); return $raw[0]; } /** * Set $_POST * @return void */ public function setPostArray( array $post ){ $_POST = $post; $_REQUEST = array_merge( $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; Loco_mvc_PostParams::destroy(); } /** * Augment $_POST * @return void */ public function addPostArray( array $post ){ $this->setPostArray( $post + $_POST ); } /** * Set $_GET * @return void */ public function setGetArray( array $get ){ $_GET = $get; $_REQUEST = array_merge( $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; } /** * Augment $_GET * @return void */ public function addGetArray( array $get ){ $this->setGetArray( $get + $_GET ); } }