<?php /** * Loads Loco configuration file into a bundle definition */ class Loco_config_BundleReader { /** * @var Loco_package_Bundle */ private $bundle; /** * Constructor initializes empty dom */ public function __construct( Loco_package_Bundle $bundle ){ $this->bundle = $bundle; } /** * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function loadXml( Loco_fs_File $file ){ $this->bundle->setDirectoryPath( $file->dirname() ); $model = new Loco_config_XMLModel; $model->loadXml( $file->getContents() ); return $this->loadModel( $model ); } /** * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function loadJson( Loco_fs_File $file ){ $this->bundle->setDirectoryPath( $file->dirname() ); return $this->loadArray( json_decode( $file->getContents(), true ) ); } /** * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function loadArray( array $raw ){ $model = new Loco_config_ArrayModel; $model->loadArray( $raw ); return $this->loadModel( $model ); } /** * Agnostic construction of Bundle from any configuration format * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function loadModel( Loco_config_Model $model ){ // Base directory required to resolve relative paths $bundle = $this->bundle; $model->setDirectoryPath( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); $dom = $model->getDom(); $bundleElement = $dom->documentElement; if( ! $bundleElement || 'bundle' !== $bundleElement->nodeName ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected root bundle element'); } // Set bundle meta data if configured // note that bundles have no inherent slug as it can change according to plugin/theme directory naming if( $bundleElement->hasAttribute('name') ){ $bundle->setName( $bundleElement->getAttribute('name') ); } // Bundle-level path exclusions foreach( $model->query('exclude/*',$bundleElement) as $fileElement ){ $bundle->excludeLocation( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } /* @var $domainElement LocoConfigElement */ foreach( $model->query('domain',$bundleElement) as $domainElement ){ $slug = $domainElement->getAttribute('name') or $slug = $bundle->getSlug(); // bundle may not have a handle set (most likely only in tests) if( ! $bundle->getHandle() ){ $bundle->setHandle( $slug ); } // Text Domain may also be declared by bundle author $domain = new Loco_package_TextDomain( $slug ); $declared = $bundle->getHeaderInfo(); if( $declared && $declared->TextDomain === $slug ){ $domain->setCanonical( true ); } /* @var $projectElement LocoConfigElement */ foreach( $model->query('project',$domainElement) as $projectElement ){ $name = $projectElement->getAttribute('name') or $name = $bundle->getName(); $project = new Loco_package_Project( $bundle, $domain, $name ); if( $projectElement->hasAttribute('slug') ){ $project->setSlug( $projectElement->getAttribute('slug') ); } // <source> foreach( $model->query('source',$projectElement) as $sourceElement ){ // sources may be <file>, <directory> or pass in special <path> if it could be either foreach( $model->query('file',$sourceElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->addSourceFile( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } foreach( $model->query('directory',$sourceElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->addSourceDirectory( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } foreach( $model->query('path',$sourceElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->addSourceLocation( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } foreach( $model->query('exclude/*', $sourceElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->excludeSourcePath( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } } // Avoid having no source locations if( ! $project->hasSourceFiles() ){ if( $bundle->isSingleFile() ){ $project->addSourceFile( $bundle->getBootstrapPath() ); } else { $project->addSourceDirectory( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); } } // <target> foreach( $model->query('target',$projectElement) as $targetElement ){ // targets support only directory paths: foreach( $model->query('directory',$targetElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->addTargetDirectory( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } foreach( $model->query('exclude/*', $targetElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->excludeTargetPath( $model->evaluateFileElement($fileElement) ); } } // Avoid having no target locations .. if( 0 === count($project->getConfiguredTargets() ) ){ // .. unless the inherited root is a global location if( $bundle->isTheme() || ( $bundle->isPlugin() && ! $bundle->isSingleFile() ) ){ $project->addTargetDirectory( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); } } // <template> // configure POT file, should only be one foreach( $model->query('template',$projectElement) as $templateElement ){ if( $model->evaulateBooleanAttribute( $templateElement, 'locked') ){ $project->setPotLock( true ); } foreach( $model->query('file',$templateElement) as $fileElement ){ $project->setPot( $model->evaluateFileElement( $fileElement ) ); break 2; } } // add project last for additional configs to be appended $bundle->addProject( $project ); } } return $bundle; } }