<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="ckfinder.js"></script>
	<style type="text/css">
		body, html, iframe, #ckfinder {
			margin: 0;
			padding: 0;
			border: 0;
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			overflow: hidden;
<body class="CKFinderFrameWindow">
	<div id="ckfinder"></div>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var config = {};
		var get = CKFinder.tools.getUrlParam;
		var getBool = function( v )
			var t = get( v );

			if ( t === null )
				return null;

			return t == '0' ? false : true;

		var tmp;
		if ( tmp = get( 'configId' ) )
			var win = window.opener || window;
				while ( ( !win.CKFinder || !win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] ) && win != window.top )
					win = win.parent;

				if ( win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] )
					config = CKFINDER.tools.extend( {}, win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] );
			catch(e) {}

		if ( tmp = get( 'basePath' ) )
			CKFINDER.basePath = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'startupPath' ) || get( 'start' ) )
			config.startupPath = decodeURIComponent( tmp );

		config.id = get( 'id' ) || '';

		if ( ( tmp = getBool( 'rlf' ) ) !== null )
			config.rememberLastFolder = tmp;

		if ( ( tmp = getBool( 'dts' ) ) !== null )
			config.disableThumbnailSelection = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'data' ) )
			config.selectActionData = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'tdata' ) )
			config.selectThumbnailActionData = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'type' ) )
			config.resourceType = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'skin' ) )
			config.skin = tmp;

		if ( tmp = get( 'langCode' ) )
			config.language = tmp;

		if ( typeof( config.selectActionFunction ) == 'undefined' )
			// Try to get desired "File Select" action from the URL.
			var action;
			if ( tmp = get( 'CKEditor' ) )
				if ( tmp.length )
					action = 'ckeditor';
			if ( !action )
				action = get( 'action' );

			var parentWindow = ( window.parent == window ) ? window.opener : window.parent;
			switch ( action )
				case 'js':
					var actionFunction = get( 'func' );
					if ( actionFunction && actionFunction.length > 0 )
						config.selectActionFunction = parentWindow[ actionFunction ];

					actionFunction = get( 'thumbFunc' );
					if ( actionFunction && actionFunction.length > 0 )
						config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = parentWindow[ actionFunction ];
					break ;

				case 'ckeditor':
					var funcNum = get( 'CKEditorFuncNum' );
					if ( parentWindow['CKEDITOR'] )
						config.selectActionFunction = function( fileUrl, data )
							parentWindow['CKEDITOR'].tools.callFunction( funcNum, fileUrl, data );

						config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = config.selectActionFunction;

					if ( parentWindow && parentWindow['FCK'] && parentWindow['SetUrl'] )
						action = 'fckeditor' ;
						config.selectActionFunction = parentWindow['SetUrl'];

						if ( !config.disableThumbnailSelection )
							config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = parentWindow['SetUrl'];
						action = null ;
			config.action = action;

		// Always use 100% width and height when nested using this middle page.
		config.width = config.height = '100%';

		var ckfinder = new CKFinder( config );
		ckfinder.replace( 'ckfinder', config );