<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url().'public/fckeditor/ckfinder/'?>ckfinder.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body, html, iframe, #ckfinder { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } </style> <div class="CKFinderFrameWindow" style="height: 550px"> <div id="ckfinder"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ (function() { var config = {}; var get = CKFinder.tools.getUrlParam; var getBool = function( v ) { var t = get( v ); if ( t === null ) return null; return t == '0' ? false : true; }; var tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'configId' ) ) { var win = window.opener || window; try { while ( ( !win.CKFinder || !win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] ) && win != window.top ) win = win.parent; if ( win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] ) config = CKFINDER.tools.extend( {}, win.CKFinder._.instanceConfig[ tmp ] ); } catch(e) {} } if ( tmp = get( 'basePath' ) ) CKFINDER.basePath = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'startupPath' ) || get( 'start' ) ) config.startupPath = decodeURIComponent( tmp ); config.id = get( 'id' ) || ''; if ( ( tmp = getBool( 'rlf' ) ) !== null ) config.rememberLastFolder = tmp; if ( ( tmp = getBool( 'dts' ) ) !== null ) config.disableThumbnailSelection = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'data' ) ) config.selectActionData = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'tdata' ) ) config.selectThumbnailActionData = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'type' ) ) config.resourceType = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'skin' ) ) config.skin = tmp; if ( tmp = get( 'langCode' ) ) config.language = tmp; if ( typeof( config.selectActionFunction ) == 'undefined' ) { // Try to get desired "File Select" action from the URL. var action; if ( tmp = get( 'CKEditor' ) ) { if ( tmp.length ) action = 'ckeditor'; } if ( !action ) action = get( 'action' ); var parentWindow = ( window.parent == window ) ? window.opener : window.parent; switch ( action ) { case 'js': var actionFunction = get( 'func' ); if ( actionFunction && actionFunction.length > 0 ) config.selectActionFunction = parentWindow[ actionFunction ]; actionFunction = get( 'thumbFunc' ); if ( actionFunction && actionFunction.length > 0 ) config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = parentWindow[ actionFunction ]; break ; case 'ckeditor': var funcNum = get( 'CKEditorFuncNum' ); if ( parentWindow['CKEDITOR'] ) { config.selectActionFunction = function( fileUrl, data ) { parentWindow['CKEDITOR'].tools.callFunction( funcNum, fileUrl, data ); }; config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = config.selectActionFunction; } break; default: if ( parentWindow && parentWindow['FCK'] && parentWindow['SetUrl'] ) { action = 'fckeditor' ; config.selectActionFunction = parentWindow['SetUrl']; if ( !config.disableThumbnailSelection ) config.selectThumbnailActionFunction = parentWindow['SetUrl']; } else action = null ; } config.action = action; } // Always use 100% width and height when nested using this middle page. config.width = config.height = '100%'; var ckfinder = new CKFinder( config ); ckfinder.replace( 'ckfinder', config ); })(); //]]> </script> </div>