 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: DoanPV
 * Date: 24/02/2020
 * Time: 01:50 PM

$lang['language_deleted_successfully'] = 'Language deleted successfully';
$lang['multi_language_settings'] = 'Multi language settings';
$lang['admin'] = 'Admin';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['my_account'] = 'My account';
$lang['settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['visit_website'] = 'Visit website';
$lang['navigation'] = 'Navigation';
$lang['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
$lang['categories'] = 'Categories';
$lang['add_new_category'] = 'Add new category';
$lang['courses'] = 'Courses';
$lang['students'] = 'Students';
$lang['enrolment'] = 'Enrolment';
$lang['enrol_history'] = 'Enrol history';
$lang['enrol_a_student'] = 'Enrol a student';
$lang['report'] = 'Report';
$lang['admin_revenue'] = 'Admin revenue';
$lang['instructor_revenue'] = 'Instructor revenue';
$lang['message'] = 'Message';
$lang['system_settings'] = 'System settings';
$lang['website_settings'] = 'Website settings';
$lang['payment_settings'] = 'Payment settings';
$lang['instructor_settings'] = 'Instructor settings';
$lang['language_settings'] = 'Language settings';
$lang['smtp_settings'] = 'Smtp settings';
$lang['theme_settings'] = 'Theme settings';
$lang['about'] = 'About';
$lang['mobile_app'] = 'Mobile app';
$lang['manage_language'] = 'Manage language';
$lang['language_list'] = 'Language list';
$lang['add_phrase'] = 'Add phrase';
$lang['add_language'] = 'Add language';
$lang['language'] = 'Language';
$lang['option'] = 'Option';
$lang['edit_phrase'] = 'Edit phrase';
$lang['delete_language'] = 'Delete language';
$lang['add_new_phrase'] = 'Add new phrase';
$lang['save'] = 'Save';
$lang['add_new_language'] = 'Add new language';
$lang['no_special_character_or_space_is_allowed'] = 'No special character or space is allowed';
$lang['valid_examples'] = 'Valid examples';
$lang['phrase_updated'] = 'Phrase updated';
$lang['this_year'] = 'This year';
$lang['active_course'] = 'Active course';
$lang['pending_course'] = 'Pending course';
$lang['heads_up'] = 'Heads up';
$lang['congratulations'] = 'Congratulations';
$lang['oh_snap'] = 'Oh snap';
$lang['please_fill_all_the_required_fields'] = 'Please fill all the required fields';
$lang['close'] = 'Close';
$lang['are_you_sure'] = 'Are you sure';
$lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['continue'] = 'Continue';
$lang['language_added_successfully'] = 'Language added successfully';
$lang['themes_section'] = 'Themes section';
$lang['installed_themes'] = 'Installed themes';
$lang['add_new_themes'] = 'Add new themes';
$lang['activate'] = 'Activate';
$lang['remove'] = 'Remove';
$lang['active_theme'] = 'Active theme';
$lang['theme_successfully_activated'] = 'Theme successfully activated';
$lang['you_do_not_have_right_to_access_this_theme'] = 'You do not have right to access this theme';
$lang['website_name'] = 'Website name';
$lang['website_title'] = 'Website title';
$lang['website_keywords'] = 'Website keywords';
$lang['website_description'] = 'Website description';
$lang['author'] = 'Author';
$lang['slogan'] = 'Slogan';
$lang['system_email'] = 'System email';
$lang['address'] = 'Address';
$lang['phone'] = 'Phone';
$lang['youtube_api_key'] = 'Youtube api key';
$lang['get_youtube_api_key'] = 'Get youtube api key';
$lang['vimeo_api_key'] = 'Vimeo api key';
$lang['get_vimeo_api_key'] = 'Get vimeo api key';
$lang['purchase_code'] = 'Purchase code';
$lang['system_language'] = 'System language';
$lang['student_email_verification'] = 'Student email verification';
$lang['enable'] = 'Enable';
$lang['disable'] = 'Disable';
$lang['footer_link'] = 'Footer link';
$lang['update_product'] = 'Update product';
$lang['file'] = 'File';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['frontend_settings'] = 'Frontend settings';
$lang['banner_title'] = 'Banner title';
$lang['banner_sub_title'] = 'Banner sub title';
$lang['about_us'] = 'About us';
$lang['terms_and_condition'] = 'Terms and condition';
$lang['privacy_policy'] = 'Privacy policy';
$lang['update_settings'] = 'Update settings';
$lang['update_banner_image'] = 'Update banner image';
$lang['upload_banner_image'] = 'Upload banner image';
$lang['update_light_logo'] = 'Update light logo';
$lang['upload_light_logo'] = 'Upload light logo';
$lang['update_dark_logo'] = 'Update dark logo';
$lang['upload_dark_logo'] = 'Upload dark logo';
$lang['update_small_logo'] = 'Update small logo';
$lang['upload_small_logo'] = 'Upload small logo';
$lang['update_favicon'] = 'Update favicon';
$lang['upload_favicon'] = 'Upload favicon';
$lang['setup_payment_informations'] = 'Setup payment informations';
$lang['system_currency_settings'] = 'System currency settings';
$lang['system_currency'] = 'System currency';
$lang['select_system_currency'] = 'Select system currency';
$lang['currency_position'] = 'Currency position';
$lang['left'] = 'Left';
$lang['right'] = 'Right';
$lang['left_with_a_space'] = 'Left with a space';
$lang['right_with_a_space'] = 'Right with a space';
$lang['update_system_currency'] = 'Update system currency';
$lang['setup_paypal_settings'] = 'Setup paypal settings';
$lang['active'] = 'Active';
$lang['no'] = 'No';
$lang['yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['mode'] = 'Mode';
$lang['sandbox'] = 'Sandbox';
$lang['production'] = 'Production';
$lang['paypal_currency'] = 'Paypal currency';
$lang['select_paypal_currency'] = 'Select paypal currency';
$lang['client_id'] = 'Client id';
$lang['update_paypal_keys'] = 'Update paypal keys';
$lang['setup_stripe_settings'] = 'Setup stripe settings';
$lang['test_mode'] = 'Test mode';
$lang['on'] = 'On';
$lang['off'] = 'Off';
$lang['stripe_currency'] = 'Stripe currency';
$lang['select_stripe_currency'] = 'Select stripe currency';
$lang['test_secret_key'] = 'Test secret key';
$lang['test_public_key'] = 'Test public key';
$lang['live_secret_key'] = 'Live secret key';
$lang['live_public_key'] = 'Live public key';
$lang['update_stripe_keys'] = 'Update stripe keys';
$lang['please_make_sure_that'] = 'Please make sure that';
$lang['are_same'] = 'Are same';
$lang['admin_revenue_this_year'] = 'Admin revenue this year';
$lang['number_courses'] = 'Number courses';
$lang['number_of_lessons'] = 'Number of lessons';
$lang['number_of_enrolment'] = 'Number of enrolment';
$lang['number_of_student'] = 'Number of student';
$lang['course_overview'] = 'Course overview';
$lang['active_courses'] = 'Active courses';
$lang['pending_courses'] = 'Pending courses';
$lang['unpaid_instructor_revenues'] = 'Unpaid instructor revenues';
$lang['sub_categories'] = 'Sub categories';
$lang['edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['add_category'] = 'Add category';
$lang['category_add_form'] = 'Category add form';
$lang['category_code'] = 'Category code';
$lang['category_title'] = 'Category title';
$lang['parent'] = 'Parent';
$lang['none'] = 'None';
$lang['icon_picker'] = 'Icon picker';
$lang['category_thumbnail'] = 'Category thumbnail';
$lang['the_image_size_should_be'] = 'The image size should be';
$lang['choose_thumbnail'] = 'Choose thumbnail';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['enrolled_course'] = 'Enrolled course';
$lang['instructor'] = 'Instructor';
$lang['status'] = 'Status';
$lang['actions'] = 'Actions';
$lang['enrolment_date'] = 'Enrolment date';
$lang['total_amount'] = 'Total amount';
$lang['paid'] = 'Paid';
$lang['home'] = 'Home';
$lang['search'] = 'Search';
$lang['log_out'] = 'Log out';
$lang['shopping_cart'] = 'Shopping cart';
$lang['administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['lessons'] = 'Lessons';
$lang['read_more'] = 'Read more';
$lang['free'] = 'Free';
$lang['online_courses'] = 'Online courses';
$lang['explore_your_knowledge'] = 'Explore your knowledge';
$lang['expert_instruction'] = 'Expert instruction';
$lang['find_the_right_course_for_you'] = 'Find the right course for you';
$lang['lifetime_access'] = 'Lifetime access';
$lang['learn_on_your_schedule'] = 'Learn on your schedule';
$lang['top_courses'] = 'Top courses';
$lang['pick_according_to_your_choice'] = 'Pick according to your choice';
$lang['preview_course'] = 'Preview course';
$lang['add_to_cart'] = 'Add to cart';
$lang['enrol'] = 'Enrol';
$lang['view_all_courses'] = 'View all courses';
$lang['get_category_wise_different_courses'] = 'Get category wise different courses';
$lang['terms___conditions'] = 'Terms & conditions';
$lang['version'] = 'Version';
$lang['added_to_cart'] = 'Added to cart';
$lang['checkout'] = 'Checkout';
$lang['paypal'] = 'Paypal';
$lang['stripe'] = 'Stripe';
$lang['login'] = 'Login';
$lang['your_email'] = 'Your email';
$lang['your_password'] = 'Your password';
$lang['forgot_password'] = 'Forgot password';
$lang['new_to'] = 'New to';
$lang['sign_up'] = 'Sign up';
$lang['first_name'] = 'First name';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Last name';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['password'] = 'Password';
$lang['register'] = 'Register';
$lang['already_have_an_account'] = 'Already have an account';
$lang['sign_in'] = 'Sign in';
$lang['welcom'] = 'Welcom';
$lang['manage_account'] = 'Manage account';
$lang['my_courses'] = 'My courses';
$lang['my_wishlist'] = 'My wishlist';
$lang['my_messages'] = 'My messages';
$lang['purchase_history'] = 'Purchase history';
$lang['user_profile'] = 'User profile';
$lang['add_new_course'] = 'Add new course';
$lang['free_courses'] = 'Free courses';
$lang['paid_courses'] = 'Paid courses';
$lang['course_list'] = 'Course list';
$lang['all'] = 'All';
$lang['pending'] = 'Pending';
$lang['price'] = 'Price';
$lang['..'] = '..';
$lang['filter'] = 'Filter';
$lang['title'] = 'Title';
$lang['category'] = 'Category';
$lang['lesson_&_section'] = 'Lesson & section';
$lang['enrolled_student'] = 'Enrolled student';
$lang['total_section'] = 'Total section';
$lang['total_lesson'] = 'Total lesson';
$lang['total_enrolment'] = 'Total enrolment';
$lang['view_course_on_frontend'] = 'View course on frontend';
$lang['edit_this_course'] = 'Edit this course';
$lang['section_&_lesson'] = 'Section & lesson';
$lang['inform_instructor'] = 'Inform instructor';
$lang['mark_as_pending'] = 'Mark as pending';
$lang['mark_as_active'] = 'Mark as active';
$lang['add_course'] = 'Add course';
$lang['course_adding_form'] = 'Course adding form';
$lang['back_to_course_list'] = 'Back to course list';
$lang['basic'] = 'Basic';
$lang['requirements'] = 'Requirements';
$lang['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes';
$lang['pricing'] = 'Pricing';
$lang['media'] = 'Media';
$lang['seo'] = 'Seo';
$lang['finish'] = 'Finish';
$lang['course_title'] = 'Course title';
$lang['enter_course_title'] = 'Enter course title';
$lang['short_description'] = 'Short description';
$lang['description'] = 'Description';
$lang['select_a_category'] = 'Select a category';
$lang['level'] = 'Level';
$lang['beginner'] = 'Beginner';
$lang['advanced'] = 'Advanced';
$lang['intermediate'] = 'Intermediate';
$lang['language_made_in'] = 'Language made in';
$lang['check_if_this_course_is_top_course'] = 'Check if this course is top course';
$lang['provide_requirements'] = 'Provide requirements';
$lang['provide_outcomes'] = 'Provide outcomes';
$lang['check_if_this_is_a_free_course'] = 'Check if this is a free course';
$lang['course_price'] = 'Course price';
$lang['enter_course_course_price'] = 'Enter course course price';
$lang['check_if_this_course_has_discount'] = 'Check if this course has discount';
$lang['discounted_price'] = 'Discounted price';
$lang['this_course_has'] = 'This course has';
$lang['discount'] = 'Discount';
$lang['course_overview_provider'] = 'Course overview provider';
$lang['youtube'] = 'Youtube';
$lang['vimeo'] = 'Vimeo';
$lang['html5'] = 'Html5';
$lang['course_overview_url'] = 'Course overview url';
$lang['course_thumbnail'] = 'Course thumbnail';
$lang['course_banner'] = 'Course banner';
$lang['course_slider_thumbnail'] = 'Course slider thumbnail';
$lang['course_slider_banner'] = 'Course slider banner';
$lang['meta_keywords'] = 'Meta keywords';
$lang['meta_description'] = 'Meta description';
$lang['thank_you'] = 'Thank you';
$lang['you_are_just_one_click_away'] = 'You are just one click away';
$lang['edit_course'] = 'Edit course';
$lang['course_manager'] = 'Course manager';
$lang['view_on_frontend'] = 'View on frontend';
$lang['curriculum'] = 'Curriculum';
$lang['add_new_section'] = 'Add new section';
$lang['add_section'] = 'Add section';
$lang['add_new_lesson'] = 'Add new lesson';
$lang['add_lesson'] = 'Add lesson';
$lang['add_new_quiz'] = 'Add new quiz';
$lang['add_quiz'] = 'Add quiz';
$lang['sort_sections'] = 'Sort sections';
$lang['section'] = 'Section';
$lang['sort_lessons'] = 'Sort lessons';
$lang['sort_lesson'] = 'Sort lesson';
$lang['update_section'] = 'Update section';
$lang['edit_section'] = 'Edit section';
$lang['delete_section'] = 'Delete section';
$lang['update_lesson'] = 'Update lesson';
$lang['lesson'] = 'Lesson';
$lang['manage_quiz_questions'] = 'Manage quiz questions';
$lang['update_quiz_information'] = 'Update quiz information';
$lang['quiz'] = 'Quiz';
$lang['lesson_type'] = 'Lesson type';
$lang['select_type_of_lesson'] = 'Select type of lesson';
$lang['video_url'] = 'Video url';
$lang['text_file'] = 'Text file';
$lang['pdf_file'] = 'Pdf file';
$lang['document_file'] = 'Document file';
$lang['image_file'] = 'Image file';
$lang['lesson_provider'] = 'Lesson provider';
$lang['select_lesson_provider'] = 'Select lesson provider';
$lang['analyzing_the_url'] = 'Analyzing the url';
$lang['invalid_url'] = 'Invalid url';
$lang['your_video_source_has_to_be_either_youtube_or_vimeo'] = 'Your video source has to be either youtube or vimeo';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duration';
$lang['thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$lang['attachment'] = 'Attachment';
$lang['summary'] = 'Summary';
$lang['sort_lessons_of'] = 'Sort lessons of';
$lang['update_sorting'] = 'Update sorting';
$lang['lessons_have_been_sorted'] = 'Lessons have been sorted';
$lang['quiz_title'] = 'Quiz title';
$lang['instruction'] = 'Instruction';
$lang['quiz_has_been_added_successfully'] = 'Quiz has been added successfully';
$lang['questions_of'] = 'Questions of';
$lang['add_new_question'] = 'Add new question';
$lang['questions_have_been_sorted'] = 'Questions have been sorted';
$lang['question_title'] = 'Question title';
$lang['number_of_options'] = 'Number of options';
$lang['question_has_been_added'] = 'Question has been added';
$lang['no_options_can_be_blank_and_there_has_to_be_atleast_one_answer'] = 'No options can be blank and there has to be atleast one answer';
$lang['option_'] = 'Option ';
$lang['update_quiz_question'] = 'Update quiz question';
$lang['draft_courses'] = 'Draft courses';
$lang['mark_as_drafted'] = 'Mark as drafted';
$lang['delete_this_course'] = 'Delete this course';
$lang['back_to_home'] = 'Back To Home';
$lang['course_updated_successfully'] = 'Course updated successfully';
$lang['please_wait_untill_admin_approves_it'] = 'Please wait untill admin approves it';
$lang['mail_subject'] = 'Mail subject';
$lang['mail_body'] = 'Mail body';
$lang['send_mail'] = 'Send mail';
$lang['course_status_updated'] = 'Course status updated';
$lang['course'] = 'Course';
$lang['reviews'] = 'Reviews';
$lang['what_will_you_learn'] = 'What will you learn';
$lang['hours'] = 'Hours';
$lang['about_instructor'] = 'About instructor';
$lang['name'] = 'Name';
$lang['student'] = 'Student';
$lang['view_profile'] = 'View profile';
$lang['based_on'] = 'Based on';
$lang['stars'] = 'Stars';
$lang['buy_now'] = 'Buy now';
$lang['what_is_included'] = 'What is included';
$lang['on_demand_videos'] = 'On demand videos';
$lang['full_lifetime_access'] = 'Full lifetime access';
$lang['access_on_mobile_and_tv'] = 'Access on mobile and tv';
$lang['all_courses'] = 'All courses';
$lang['search_for_courses'] = 'Search for courses';
$lang['total'] = 'Total';
$lang['go_to_cart'] = 'Go to cart';
$lang['your_cart_is_empty'] = 'Your cart is empty';
$lang['log_in'] = 'Log in';
$lang['ratings'] = 'Ratings';
$lang['students_enrolled'] = 'Students enrolled';
$lang['created_by'] = 'Created by';
$lang['last_updated'] = 'Last updated';
$lang['what_will_i_learn'] = 'What will i learn';
$lang['curriculum_for_this_course'] = 'Curriculum for this course';
$lang['view_more'] = 'View more';
$lang['other_related_courses'] = 'Other related courses';
$lang['updated'] = 'Updated';
$lang['about_the_instructor'] = 'About the instructor';
$lang['student_feedback'] = 'Student feedback';
$lang['average_rating'] = 'Average rating';
$lang['preview_this_course'] = 'Preview this course';
$lang['includes'] = 'Includes';
$lang['course_preview'] = 'Course preview';
$lang['terms_&_condition'] = 'Terms & condition';
$lang['step'] = 'Step';
$lang['how_would_you_rate_this_course_overall'] = 'How would you rate this course overall';
$lang['write_a_public_review'] = 'Write a public review';
$lang['describe_your_experience_what_you_got_out_of_the_course_and_other_helpful_highlights'] = 'Describe your experience what you got out of the course and other helpful highlights';
$lang['what_did_the_instructor_do_well_and_what_could_use_some_improvement'] = 'What did the instructor do well and what could use some improvement';
$lang['next'] = 'Next';
$lang['previous'] = 'Previous';
$lang['publish'] = 'Publish';
$lang['all_category'] = 'All category';
$lang['show_more'] = 'Show more';
$lang['show_less'] = 'Show less';
$lang['item'] = 'Item';
$lang['what_do_you_want_to_learn'] = 'What do you want to learn';
$lang['explore_a_variety_of_fresh_topics'] = 'Explore a variety of fresh topics';
$lang['last_updater'] = 'Last updater';
$lang['get_enrolled'] = 'Get enrolled';
$lang['top'] = 'Top';
$lang['latest_courses'] = 'Latest courses';
$lang['useful_links'] = 'Useful links';
$lang['contact_with_us'] = 'Contact with us';
$lang['registered_user'] = 'Registered user';
$lang['provide_your_valid_login_credentials'] = 'Provide your valid login credentials';
$lang['do_not_have_an_account'] = 'Do not have an account';
$lang['registration_form'] = 'Registration form';
$lang['sign_up_and_start_learning'] = 'Sign up and start learning';
$lang['provide_your_email_address_to_get_password'] = 'Provide your email address to get password';
$lang['reset_password'] = 'Reset password';
$lang['want_to_go_back'] = 'Want to go back';
$lang['continue_shopping'] = 'Continue shopping';
$lang['credit_/_debit_card'] = 'Credit / debit card';
$lang['pay'] = 'Pay';
$lang['student_name'] = 'Student name';
$lang['view_course'] = 'View course';
$lang['search_results'] = 'Search results';
$lang['already_purchased'] = 'Already purchased';
$lang['amount_paid'] = 'Amount paid';
$lang['purchase_date'] = 'Purchase date';
$lang['instructor_page'] = 'Instructor page';
$lang['biography'] = 'Biography';
$lang['instructor_courses'] = 'Instructor courses';
$lang['course_name'] = 'Course name';
$lang['rating'] = 'Rating';
$lang['wishlist'] = 'Wishlist';
$lang['add_to_wishlist'] = 'Add to wishlist';
$lang['remove_from_wishlist'] = 'Remove from wishlist';
$lang['course_detail'] = 'Course detail';
$lang['start_lesson'] = 'Start lesson';
$lang['course_details'] = 'Course details';
$lang['note'] = 'Note';
$lang['course_content'] = 'Course content';
$lang['min'] = 'Min';
$lang['unavailable_duration'] = 'Unavailable duration';
$lang['number_of_questions'] = 'Number of questions';
$lang['get_started'] = 'Get started';
$lang['question'] = 'Question';
$lang['submit_&_next'] = 'Submit & next';
$lang['check_result'] = 'Check result';
$lang['no_instruction_found'] = 'No instruction found';
$lang['hr'] = 'Hr';
$lang['download'] = 'Download';
$lang['provide_email'] = 'Provide email';
$lang['back_to_login_page'] = 'Back to login page';
$lang['messages'] = 'Messages';
$lang['compose'] = 'Compose';
$lang['select_a_message_thread_to_read_it_here'] = 'Select a message thread to read it here';
$lang['select_an_instructor'] = 'Select an instructor';
$lang['write_your_message'] = 'Write your message';
$lang['send_message'] = 'Send message';
$lang['invoice'] = 'Invoice';
$lang['payment_method'] = 'Payment method';
$lang['bill_to'] = 'Bill to';
$lang['sub_total'] = 'Sub total';
$lang['grand_total'] = 'Grand total';
$lang['print'] = 'Print';
$lang['user'] = 'User';
$lang['basic_info'] = 'Basic info';
$lang['facebook_link'] = 'Facebook link';
$lang['twitter_link'] = 'Twitter link';
$lang['linkedin_link'] = 'Linkedin link';
$lang['update_basic_info'] = 'Update basic info';
$lang['login_credentials'] = 'Login credentials';
$lang['current_password'] = 'Current password';
$lang['new_password'] = 'New password';
$lang['confirm_password'] = 'Confirm password';
$lang['update_login_credentials'] = 'Update login credentials';
$lang['user_photo'] = 'User photo';
$lang['choose_file'] = 'Choose file';
$lang['no_file_chosen'] = 'No file chosen';
$lang['update_profile_photo'] = 'Update profile photo';
$lang['showing_on_this_page'] = 'Showing on this page';
$lang['no_result_found'] = 'No result found';
$lang['no_data_found'] = 'No data found';
$lang['course_added_successfully'] = 'Course added successfully';
$lang['draft'] = 'Draft';
$lang['publish_this_course'] = 'Publish this course';
$lang['your_course_has_been_added_to_draft'] = 'Your course has been added to draft';
$lang['edit_rating'] = 'Edit rating';
$lang['cancel_rating'] = 'Cancel rating';
$lang['provide_your_rating'] = 'Provide your rating';
$lang['write_your_review_here'] = 'Write your review here';
$lang['out_of'] = 'Out of';
$lang['amount_to_pay'] = 'Amount to pay';
$lang['payment_successfully_done'] = 'Payment successfully done';
$lang['no_section_found'] = 'No section found';
$lang['purchased'] = 'Purchased';
$lang['page_not_found'] = 'Page not found';
$lang['we_are_sorry'] = 'We are sorry';
$lang['but_the_page_you_were_looking_for_does_not_exist'] = 'But the page you were looking for does not exist';
$lang['sorry'] = 'Sorry';
$lang['double_check_your_url'] = 'Double check your url';
$lang['this_is_not_the_web_page_you_are_looking_for'] = 'This is not the web page you are looking for';
$lang['which_course_are_you_looking_for'] = 'Which course are you looking for';
$lang['404_page_not_found'] = '404 page not found';
$lang['404'] = '404';
$lang['system_settings_updated'] = 'System settings updated';
$lang['not_found'] = 'Not found';
$lang['about_this_application'] = 'About this application';
$lang['software_version'] = 'Software version';
$lang['check_update'] = 'Check update';
$lang['php_version'] = 'Php version';
$lang['curl_enable'] = 'Curl enable';
$lang['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
$lang['purchase_code_status'] = 'Purchase code status';
$lang['support_expiry_date'] = 'Support expiry date';
$lang['customer_name'] = 'Customer name';
$lang['get_customer_support'] = 'Get customer support';
$lang['customer_support'] = 'Customer support';
$lang['courses_in_cart'] = 'Courses in cart';
$lang['by'] = 'By';
$lang['go_to_wishlist'] = 'Go to wishlist';
$lang['your_wishlist_is_empty'] = 'Your wishlist is empty';
$lang['explore_courses'] = 'Explore courses';
$lang['hi'] = 'Hi';
$lang['welcome_back'] = 'Welcome back';
$lang['wishlists'] = 'Wishlists';
$lang['filter_by'] = 'Filter by';
$lang['instructors'] = 'Instructors';
$lang['reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['search_my_courses'] = 'Search my courses';
$lang['your'] = 'Your';
$lang['no_summary_found'] = 'No summary found';
$lang['sec'] = 'Sec';
$lang['completed'] = 'Completed';
$lang['publish_rating'] = 'Publish rating';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['account'] = 'Account';
$lang['photo'] = 'Photo';
$lang['add_information_about_yourself_to_share_on_your_profile'] = 'Add information about yourself to share on your profile';
$lang['basics'] = 'Basics';
$lang['add_your_twitter_link'] = 'Add your twitter link';
$lang['add_your_facebook_link'] = 'Add your facebook link';
$lang['add_your_linkedin_link'] = 'Add your linkedin link';
$lang['credentials'] = 'Credentials';
$lang['edit_your_account_settings'] = 'Edit your account settings';
$lang['enter_current_password'] = 'Enter current password';
$lang['enter_new_password'] = 'Enter new password';
$lang['re-type_your_password'] = 'Re-type your password';
$lang['update_user_photo'] = 'Update user photo';
$lang['update_your_photo'] = 'Update your photo';
$lang['upload_image'] = 'Upload image';
$lang['lesson_has_been_updated_successfully'] = 'Lesson has been updated successfully';
$lang['add_student'] = 'Add student';
$lang['enrolled_courses'] = 'Enrolled courses';
$lang['successfully_enrolled'] = 'Successfully enrolled';
$lang['lesson_and_section'] = 'Lesson and section';
$lang['$12'] = '$12';
$lang['$13'] = '$13';
$lang['$58'] = '$58';
$lang['$56'] = '$56';
$lang['$1800'] = '$1800';
$lang['$10'] = '$10';
$lang['section_and_lesson'] = 'Section and lesson';
$lang['$11.99'] = '$11.99';
$lang['$328'] = '$328';
$lang['$339'] = '$339';
$lang['$120'] = '$120';
$lang['$220'] = '$220';
$lang['$150'] = '$150';
$lang['$160'] = '$160';
$lang['$135'] = '$135';
$lang['$59'] = '$59';
$lang['$178'] = '$178';
$lang['$299'] = '$299';
$lang['$260'] = '$260';
$lang['$98'] = '$98';
$lang['$190'] = '$190';
$lang['$169'] = '$169';
$lang['$189'] = '$189';
$lang['$110'] = '$110';
$lang['$170'] = '$170';
$lang['$89'] = '$89';
$lang['$68'] = '$68';
$lang['invalid_login_credentials'] = 'Invalid login credentials';
$lang['please_wait'] = 'Please wait';
$lang['new_message'] = 'New message';
$lang['send'] = 'Send';
$lang['date'] = 'Date';
$lang['total_price'] = 'Total price';
$lang['payment_type'] = 'Payment type';
$lang['$250'] = '$250';
$lang['$99'] = '$99';
$lang['$0'] = '$0';
$lang['$130'] = '$130';
$lang['$22'] = '$22';
$lang['$45'] = '$45';
$lang['$199'] = '$199';
$lang['$109'] = '$109';
$lang['$69'] = '$69';
$lang['$79'] = '$79';
$lang['$88'] = '$88';
$lang['$65'] = '$65';
$lang['$29.9'] = '$29.9';
$lang['$49'] = '$49';
$lang['$19'] = '$19';
$lang['$39'] = '$39';
$lang['$29'] = '$29';
$lang['$47'] = '$47';
$lang['$28'] = '$28';
$lang['$27'] = '$27';
$lang['$18'] = '$18';
$lang['$15'] = '$15';
$lang['$16'] = '$16';
$lang['$21'] = '$21';
$lang['$288'] = '$288';
$lang['$366'] = '$366';
$lang['$348'] = '$348';
$lang['$266'] = '$266';
$lang['$388'] = '$388';
$lang['$200'] = '$200';
$lang['$399'] = '$399';
$lang['$248'] = '$248';
$lang['$168'] = '$168';
$lang['$188'] = '$188';
$lang['$25'] = '$25';
$lang['$17'] = '$17';
$lang['$32'] = '$32';
$lang['$26'] = '$26';
$lang['$34'] = '$34';
$lang['$78'] = '$78';
$lang['$20'] = '$20';
$lang['$50'] = '$50';
$lang['$149'] = '$149';
$lang['$128'] = '$128';
$lang['$35'] = '$35';
$lang['$31'] = '$31';
$lang['$37'] = '$37';
$lang['$36'] = '$36';
$lang['$33'] = '$33';
$lang['$30'] = '$30';
$lang['$23'] = '$23';
$lang['$359'] = '$359';
$lang['provide_a_section_name'] = 'Provide a section name';
$lang['section_has_been_added_successfully'] = 'Section has been added successfully';
$lang['lesson_has_been_added_successfully'] = 'Lesson has been added successfully';
$lang['pay_with_paypal'] = 'Pay with paypal';
$lang['this_instructor_has_not_provided_valid_public_key_or_secret_key'] = 'This instructor has not provided valid public key or secret key';
$lang['pay_with_stripe'] = 'Pay with stripe';
$lang['protocol'] = 'Protocol';
$lang['smtp_host'] = 'Smtp host';
$lang['smtp_port'] = 'Smtp port';
$lang['smtp_username'] = 'Smtp username';
$lang['smtp_password'] = 'Smtp password';
$lang['data_added_successfully'] = 'Data added successfully';
$lang['edit_category'] = 'Edit category';
$lang['update_category'] = 'Update category';
$lang['update_category_form'] = 'Update category form';
$lang['data_updated_successfully'] = 'Data updated successfully';
$lang['video_url_is_not_supported'] = 'Video url is not supported';
$lang['theme_is_showed_up'] = 'Theme is showed up';
$lang['hit_the_install_button_for_installing'] = 'Hit the install button for installing';
$lang['install'] = 'Install';
$lang['theme'] = 'Theme';
$lang['allow_public_instructor'] = 'Allow public instructor';
$lang['instructor_revenue_percentage'] = 'Instructor revenue percentage';
$lang['admin_revenue_percentage'] = 'Admin revenue percentage';
$lang['instructor_settings_updated'] = 'Instructor settings updated';
$lang['payment_due'] = 'Payment due';
$lang['high_quality_videos'] = 'High quality videos';
$lang['life_time_access'] = 'Life time access';
$lang['video'] = 'Video';
$lang['lesson_provider_for_web'] = 'Lesson provider for web';
$lang['video_url_for_web_application'] = 'Video url for web application';
$lang['lesson_provider_for_mobile_application'] = 'Lesson provider for mobile application';
$lang['video_url_for_mobile_application'] = 'Video url for mobile application';
$lang['video_is_only_acceptable'] = 'Video is only acceptable';
$lang['only'] = 'Only';
$lang['type_video_is_acceptable'] = 'Type video is acceptable';
$lang['this_video_will_be_shown_on_web_application'] = 'This video will be shown on web application';
$lang['type_video_is_acceptable_for_mobile_application'] = 'Type video is acceptable for mobile application';
$lang['for_mobile_application'] = 'For mobile application';
$lang['for_web_application'] = 'For web application';
$lang['quiz_has_been_updated_successfully'] = 'Quiz has been updated successfully';
$lang['review_the_course_materials_to_expand_your_learning'] = 'Review the course materials to expand your learning';
$lang['you_got'] = 'You got';
$lang['correct'] = 'Correct';
$lang['submitted_answers'] = 'Submitted answers';
$lang['take_again'] = 'Take again';
$lang['email_duplication'] = 'Email duplication';
$lang['first_name_can_not_be_empty'] = 'First name can not be empty';
$lang['user_update_successfully'] = 'User update successfully';
$lang['updated_successfully'] = 'Updated successfully';
$lang['footer_text'] = 'Footer text';
$lang['enrolment_form'] = 'Enrolment form';
$lang['select_a_user'] = 'Select a user';
$lang['course_to_enrol'] = 'Course to enrol';
$lang['select_a_course'] = 'Select a course';
$lang['enrol_student'] = 'Enrol student';
$lang['private_messaging'] = 'Private messaging';
$lang['private_message'] = 'Private message';
$lang['choose_an_option_from_the_left_side'] = 'Choose an option from the left side';
$lang['register_yourself'] = 'Register yourself';
$lang['your_registration_has_been_successfully_done'] = 'Your registration has been successfully done';
$lang['show_full_biography'] = 'Show full biography';
$lang['total_student'] = 'Total student';
$lang['student_edit'] = 'Student edit';
$lang['student_edit_form'] = 'Student edit form';
$lang['social_information'] = 'Social information';
$lang['payment_info'] = 'Payment info';
$lang['user_image'] = 'User image';
$lang['choose_user_image'] = 'Choose user image';
$lang['facebook'] = 'Facebook';
$lang['twitter'] = 'Twitter';
$lang['linkedin'] = 'Linkedin';
$lang['paypal_client_id'] = 'Paypal client id';
$lang['required_for_instructor'] = 'Required for instructor';
$lang['stripe_public_key'] = 'Stripe public key';
$lang['stripe_secret_key'] = 'Stripe secret key';
$lang['$10000'] = '$10000';
$lang['student_has_been_enrolled_to_that_course'] = 'Student has been enrolled to that course';
$lang['enrol_histories'] = 'Enrol histories';
$lang['user_name'] = 'User name';
$lang['no_records_found'] = 'No records found';