<?php // namespace Restserver\Libraries; // use CI_Controller; // use Exception; // use stdClass; require APPPATH . 'libraries/Format.php'; defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * CodeIgniter Rest Controller * A fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter using one library, one config file and one controller. * * @package CodeIgniter * @subpackage Libraries * @category Libraries * @author Phil Sturgeon, Chris Kacerguis * @license MIT * @link https://github.com/chriskacerguis/codeigniter-restserver * @version 3.0.0 */ abstract class REST_Controller extends CI_Controller { // Note: Only the widely used HTTP status codes are documented // Informational const HTTP_CONTINUE = 100; const HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; const HTTP_PROCESSING = 102; // RFC2518 // Success /** * The request has succeeded */ const HTTP_OK = 200; /** * The server successfully created a new resource */ const HTTP_CREATED = 201; const HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202; const HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203; /** * The server successfully processed the request, though no content is returned */ const HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204; const HTTP_RESET_CONTENT = 205; const HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206; const HTTP_MULTI_STATUS = 207; // RFC4918 const HTTP_ALREADY_REPORTED = 208; // RFC5842 const HTTP_IM_USED = 226; // RFC3229 // Redirection const HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300; const HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; const HTTP_FOUND = 302; const HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303; /** * The resource has not been modified since the last request */ const HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; const HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305; const HTTP_RESERVED = 306; const HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; const HTTP_PERMANENTLY_REDIRECT = 308; // RFC7238 // Client Error /** * The request cannot be fulfilled due to multiple errors */ const HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400; /** * The user is unauthorized to access the requested resource */ const HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; const HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; /** * The requested resource is unavailable at this present time */ const HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403; /** * The requested resource could not be found * * Note: This is sometimes used to mask if there was an UNAUTHORIZED (401) or * FORBIDDEN (403) error, for security reasons */ const HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404; /** * The request method is not supported by the following resource */ const HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405; /** * The request was not acceptable */ const HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; const HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407; const HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408; /** * The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state * of the resource */ const HTTP_CONFLICT = 409; const HTTP_GONE = 410; const HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; const HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; const HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; const HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414; const HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415; const HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416; const HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417; const HTTP_I_AM_A_TEAPOT = 418; // RFC2324 const HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422; // RFC4918 const HTTP_LOCKED = 423; // RFC4918 const HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424; // RFC4918 const HTTP_RESERVED_FOR_WEBDAV_ADVANCED_COLLECTIONS_EXPIRED_PROPOSAL = 425; // RFC2817 const HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426; // RFC2817 const HTTP_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = 428; // RFC6585 const HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429; // RFC6585 const HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431; // RFC6585 // Server Error /** * The server encountered an unexpected error * * Note: This is a generic error message when no specific message * is suitable */ const HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; /** * The server does not recognise the request method */ const HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; const HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; const HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; const HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; const HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; const HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES_EXPERIMENTAL = 506; // RFC2295 const HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507; // RFC4918 const HTTP_LOOP_DETECTED = 508; // RFC5842 const HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED = 510; // RFC2774 const HTTP_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 511; /** * This defines the rest format * Must be overridden it in a controller so that it is set * * @var string|NULL */ protected $rest_format = NULL; /** * Defines the list of method properties such as limit, log and level * * @var array */ protected $methods = []; /** * List of allowed HTTP methods * * @var array */ protected $allowed_http_methods = ['get', 'delete', 'post', 'put', 'options', 'patch', 'head']; /** * Contains details about the request * Fields: body, format, method, ssl * Note: This is a dynamic object (stdClass) * * @var object */ protected $request = NULL; /** * Contains details about the response * Fields: format, lang * Note: This is a dynamic object (stdClass) * * @var object */ protected $response = NULL; /** * Contains details about the REST API * Fields: db, ignore_limits, key, level, user_id * Note: This is a dynamic object (stdClass) * * @var object */ protected $rest = NULL; /** * The arguments for the GET request method * * @var array */ protected $_get_args = []; /** * The arguments for the POST request method * * @var array */ protected $_post_args = []; /** * The arguments for the PUT request method * * @var array */ protected $_put_args = []; /** * The arguments for the DELETE request method * * @var array */ protected $_delete_args = []; /** * The arguments for the PATCH request method * * @var array */ protected $_patch_args = []; /** * The arguments for the HEAD request method * * @var array */ protected $_head_args = []; /** * The arguments for the OPTIONS request method * * @var array */ protected $_options_args = []; /** * The arguments for the query parameters * * @var array */ protected $_query_args = []; /** * The arguments from GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD and OPTIONS request methods combined * * @var array */ protected $_args = []; /** * The insert_id of the log entry (if we have one) * * @var string */ protected $_insert_id = ''; /** * If the request is allowed based on the API key provided * * @var bool */ protected $_allow = TRUE; /** * The LDAP Distinguished Name of the User post authentication * * @var string */ protected $_user_ldap_dn = ''; /** * The start of the response time from the server * * @var number */ protected $_start_rtime; /** * The end of the response time from the server * * @var number */ protected $_end_rtime; /** * List all supported methods, the first will be the default format * * @var array */ protected $_supported_formats = [ 'json' => 'application/json', 'array' => 'application/json', 'csv' => 'application/csv', 'html' => 'text/html', 'jsonp' => 'application/javascript', 'php' => 'text/plain', 'serialized' => 'application/vnd.php.serialized', 'xml' => 'application/xml' ]; /** * Information about the current API user * * @var object */ protected $_apiuser; /** * Whether or not to perform a CORS check and apply CORS headers to the request * * @var bool */ protected $check_cors = NULL; /** * Enable XSS flag * Determines whether the XSS filter is always active when * GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH data is encountered * Set automatically based on config setting * * @var bool */ protected $_enable_xss = FALSE; private $is_valid_request = TRUE; /** * HTTP status codes and their respective description * Note: Only the widely used HTTP status codes are used * * @var array * @link http://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html */ protected $http_status_codes = [ self::HTTP_OK => 'OK', self::HTTP_CREATED => 'CREATED', self::HTTP_NO_CONTENT => 'NO CONTENT', self::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED => 'NOT MODIFIED', self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST => 'BAD REQUEST', self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED => 'UNAUTHORIZED', self::HTTP_FORBIDDEN => 'FORBIDDEN', self::HTTP_NOT_FOUND => 'NOT FOUND', self::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED => 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED', self::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE => 'NOT ACCEPTABLE', self::HTTP_CONFLICT => 'CONFLICT', self::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR => 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', self::HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED => 'NOT IMPLEMENTED' ]; /** * @var Format */ private $format; /** * @var bool */ private $auth_override; /** * Extend this function to apply additional checking early on in the process * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function early_checks() { } /** * Constructor for the REST API * * @access public * @param string $config Configuration filename minus the file extension * e.g: my_rest.php is passed as 'my_rest' */ public function __construct($config = 'rest') { parent::__construct(); // Loading database here was not added by default. It was added later because of inhertting it as base controller $this->load->database(); $this->preflight_checks(); // Set the default value of global xss filtering. Same approach as CodeIgniter 3 $this->_enable_xss = ($this->config->item('global_xss_filtering') === TRUE); // Don't try to parse template variables like {elapsed_time} and {memory_usage} // when output is displayed for not damaging data accidentally $this->output->parse_exec_vars = FALSE; // Log the loading time to the log table if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') === TRUE) { // Start the timer for how long the request takes $this->_start_rtime = microtime(TRUE); } // Load the rest.php configuration file $this->get_local_config($config); // At present the library is bundled with REST_Controller 2.5+, but will eventually be part of CodeIgniter (no citation) //if(class_exists('Format')) //{ // $this->format = new Format(); //} //else //{ // $this->load->library('Format', NULL, 'libraryFormat'); // $this->format = $this->libraryFormat; //} // Determine supported output formats from configuration $supported_formats = $this->config->item('rest_supported_formats'); // Validate the configuration setting output formats if (empty($supported_formats)) { $supported_formats = []; } if ( ! is_array($supported_formats)) { $supported_formats = [$supported_formats]; } // Add silently the default output format if it is missing $default_format = $this->_get_default_output_format(); if (!in_array($default_format, $supported_formats)) { $supported_formats[] = $default_format; } // Now update $this->_supported_formats $this->_supported_formats = array_intersect_key($this->_supported_formats, array_flip($supported_formats)); // Get the language $language = $this->config->item('rest_language'); if ($language === NULL) { $language = 'english'; } // Load the language file $this->lang->load('rest_controller', $language, FALSE, TRUE, __DIR__.'/../'); // Initialise the response, request and rest objects $this->request = new stdClass(); $this->response = new stdClass(); $this->rest = new stdClass(); // Check to see if the current IP address is blacklisted if ($this->config->item('rest_ip_blacklist_enabled') === TRUE) { $this->_check_blacklist_auth(); } // Determine whether the connection is HTTPS $this->request->ssl = is_https(); // How is this request being made? GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, INSERT, PUT, HEAD or OPTIONS $this->request->method = $this->_detect_method(); // Check for CORS access request $check_cors = $this->config->item('check_cors'); if ($check_cors === TRUE) { $this->_check_cors(); } // Create an argument container if it doesn't exist e.g. _get_args if (isset($this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'}) === FALSE) { $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} = []; } // Set up the query parameters $this->_parse_query(); // Set up the GET variables $this->_get_args = array_merge($this->_get_args, $this->uri->ruri_to_assoc()); // Try to find a format for the request (means we have a request body) $this->request->format = $this->_detect_input_format(); // Not all methods have a body attached with them $this->request->body = NULL; $this->{'_parse_' . $this->request->method}(); // Fix parse method return arguments null if($this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} === null) { $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} = []; } // Which format should the data be returned in? $this->response->format = $this->_detect_output_format(); // Which language should the data be returned in? $this->response->lang = $this->_detect_lang(); // Now we know all about our request, let's try and parse the body if it exists if ($this->request->format && $this->request->body) { $this->request->body = Format::factory($this->request->body, $this->request->format)->to_array(); // Assign payload arguments to proper method container $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} = $this->request->body; } //get header vars $this->_head_args = $this->input->request_headers(); // Merge both for one mega-args variable $this->_args = array_merge( $this->_get_args, $this->_options_args, $this->_patch_args, $this->_head_args, $this->_put_args, $this->_post_args, $this->_delete_args, $this->{'_'.$this->request->method.'_args'} ); // Extend this function to apply additional checking early on in the process $this->early_checks(); // Load DB if its enabled if ($this->config->item('rest_database_group') && ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') || $this->config->item('rest_enable_logging'))) { $this->rest->db = $this->load->database($this->config->item('rest_database_group'), TRUE); } // Use whatever database is in use (isset returns FALSE) elseif (property_exists($this, 'db')) { $this->rest->db = $this->db; } // Check if there is a specific auth type for the current class/method // _auth_override_check could exit so we need $this->rest->db initialized before $this->auth_override = $this->_auth_override_check(); // Checking for keys? GET TO WorK! // Skip keys test for $config['auth_override_class_method']['class'['method'] = 'none' if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') && $this->auth_override !== TRUE) { $this->_allow = $this->_detect_api_key(); } // Only allow ajax requests if ($this->input->is_ajax_request() === FALSE && $this->config->item('rest_ajax_only')) { // Display an error response $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_ajax_only') ], self::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } // When there is no specific override for the current class/method, use the default auth value set in the config if ($this->auth_override === FALSE && (! ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') && $this->_allow === TRUE) || ($this->config->item('allow_auth_and_keys') === TRUE && $this->_allow === TRUE))) { $rest_auth = strtolower($this->config->item('rest_auth')); switch ($rest_auth) { case 'basic': $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); break; case 'digest': $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); break; case 'session': $this->_check_php_session(); break; } } } /** * @param $config_file */ private function get_local_config($config_file) { if(file_exists(__DIR__."/../config/".$config_file.".php")) { $config = array(); include(__DIR__ . "/../config/" . $config_file . ".php"); foreach($config AS $key => $value) { $this->config->set_item($key, $value); } } $this->load->config($config_file, FALSE, TRUE); } /** * De-constructor * * @author Chris Kacerguis * @access public * @return void */ public function __destruct() { // Log the loading time to the log table if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') === TRUE) { // Get the current timestamp $this->_end_rtime = microtime(TRUE); $this->_log_access_time(); } } /** * Checks to see if we have everything we need to run this library. * * @access protected * @throws Exception */ protected function preflight_checks() { // Check to see if PHP is equal to or greater than 5.4.x if (is_php('5.4') === FALSE) { // CodeIgniter 3 is recommended for v5.4 or above throw new Exception('Using PHP v'.PHP_VERSION.', though PHP v5.4 or greater is required'); } // Check to see if this is CI 3.x if (explode('.', CI_VERSION, 2)[0] < 3) { throw new Exception('REST Server requires CodeIgniter 3.x'); } } /** * Requests are not made to methods directly, the request will be for * an "object". This simply maps the object and method to the correct * Controller method * * @access public * @param string $object_called * @param array $arguments The arguments passed to the controller method * @throws Exception */ public function _remap($object_called, $arguments = []) { // Should we answer if not over SSL? if ($this->config->item('force_https') && $this->request->ssl === FALSE) { $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_unsupported') ], self::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); } // Remove the supported format from the function name e.g. index.json => index $object_called = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.(?:'.implode('|', array_keys($this->_supported_formats)).')$/', '$1', $object_called); $controller_method = $object_called.'_'.$this->request->method; // Does this method exist? If not, try executing an index method if (!method_exists($this, $controller_method)) { $controller_method = "index_" . $this->request->method; array_unshift($arguments, $object_called); } // Do we want to log this method (if allowed by config)? $log_method = ! (isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['log']) && $this->methods[$controller_method]['log'] === FALSE); // Use keys for this method? $use_key = ! (isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['key']) && $this->methods[$controller_method]['key'] === FALSE); // They provided a key, but it wasn't valid, so get them out of here if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') && $use_key && $this->_allow === FALSE) { if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') && $log_method) { $this->_log_request(); } // fix cross site to option request error if($this->request->method == 'options') { exit; } $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => sprintf($this->lang->line('text_rest_invalid_api_key'), $this->rest->key) ], self::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); } // Check to see if this key has access to the requested controller if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') && $use_key && empty($this->rest->key) === FALSE && $this->_check_access() === FALSE) { if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') && $log_method) { $this->_log_request(); } $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_api_key_unauthorized') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } // Sure it exists, but can they do anything with it? if (! method_exists($this, $controller_method)) { $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_unknown_method') ], self::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); } // Doing key related stuff? Can only do it if they have a key right? if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_keys') && empty($this->rest->key) === FALSE) { // Check the limit if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_limits') && $this->_check_limit($controller_method) === FALSE) { $response = [$this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_api_key_time_limit')]; $this->response($response, self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } // If no level is set use 0, they probably aren't using permissions $level = isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['level']) ? $this->methods[$controller_method]['level'] : 0; // If no level is set, or it is lower than/equal to the key's level $authorized = $level <= $this->rest->level; // IM TELLIN! if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') && $log_method) { $this->_log_request($authorized); } if($authorized === FALSE) { // They don't have good enough perms $response = [$this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_api_key_permissions')]; $this->response($response, self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } } //check request limit by ip without login elseif ($this->config->item('rest_limits_method') == "IP_ADDRESS" && $this->config->item('rest_enable_limits') && $this->_check_limit($controller_method) === FALSE) { $response = [$this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_ip_address_time_limit')]; $this->response($response, self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } // No key stuff, but record that stuff is happening elseif ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') && $log_method) { $this->_log_request($authorized = TRUE); } // Call the controller method and passed arguments try { if ($this->is_valid_request) { call_user_func_array([$this, $controller_method], $arguments); } } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($this->config->item('rest_handle_exceptions') === FALSE) { throw $ex; } // If the method doesn't exist, then the error will be caught and an error response shown $_error = &load_class('Exceptions', 'core'); $_error->show_exception($ex); } } /** * Takes mixed data and optionally a status code, then creates the response * * @access public * @param array|NULL $data Data to output to the user * @param int|NULL $http_code HTTP status code * @param bool $continue TRUE to flush the response to the client and continue * running the script; otherwise, exit */ public function response($data = NULL, $http_code = NULL, $continue = FALSE) { //if profiling enabled then print profiling data $isProfilingEnabled = $this->config->item('enable_profiling'); if(!$isProfilingEnabled){ ob_start(); // If the HTTP status is not NULL, then cast as an integer if ($http_code !== NULL) { // So as to be safe later on in the process $http_code = (int) $http_code; } // Set the output as NULL by default $output = NULL; // If data is NULL and no HTTP status code provided, then display, error and exit if ($data === NULL && $http_code === NULL) { $http_code = self::HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } // If data is not NULL and a HTTP status code provided, then continue elseif ($data !== NULL) { // If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format if (method_exists(Format::class, 'to_' . $this->response->format)) { // Set the format header $this->output->set_content_type($this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format], strtolower($this->config->item('charset'))); $output = Format::factory($data)->{'to_' . $this->response->format}(); // An array must be parsed as a string, so as not to cause an array to string error // Json is the most appropriate form for such a data type if ($this->response->format === 'array') { $output = Format::factory($output)->{'to_json'}(); } } else { // If an array or object, then parse as a json, so as to be a 'string' if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) { $data = Format::factory($data)->{'to_json'}(); } // Format is not supported, so output the raw data as a string $output = $data; } } // If not greater than zero, then set the HTTP status code as 200 by default // Though perhaps 500 should be set instead, for the developer not passing a // correct HTTP status code $http_code > 0 || $http_code = self::HTTP_OK; $this->output->set_status_header($http_code); // JC: Log response code only if rest logging enabled if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_logging') === TRUE) { $this->_log_response_code($http_code); } // Output the data $this->output->set_output($output); if ($continue === FALSE) { // Display the data and exit execution $this->output->_display(); exit; } else { ob_end_flush(); } // Otherwise dump the output automatically } else{ echo json_encode($data); } } /** * Takes mixed data and optionally a status code, then creates the response * within the buffers of the Output class. The response is sent to the client * lately by the framework, after the current controller's method termination. * All the hooks after the controller's method termination are executable * * @access public * @param array|NULL $data Data to output to the user * @param int|NULL $http_code HTTP status code */ public function set_response($data = NULL, $http_code = NULL) { $this->response($data, $http_code, TRUE); } /** * Get the input format e.g. json or xml * * @access protected * @return string|NULL Supported input format; otherwise, NULL */ protected function _detect_input_format() { // Get the CONTENT-TYPE value from the SERVER variable $content_type = $this->input->server('CONTENT_TYPE'); if (empty($content_type) === FALSE) { // If a semi-colon exists in the string, then explode by ; and get the value of where // the current array pointer resides. This will generally be the first element of the array $content_type = (strpos($content_type, ';') !== FALSE ? current(explode(';', $content_type)) : $content_type); // Check all formats against the CONTENT-TYPE header foreach ($this->_supported_formats as $type => $mime) { // $type = format e.g. csv // $mime = mime type e.g. application/csv // If both the mime types match, then return the format if ($content_type === $mime) { return $type; } } } return NULL; } /** * Gets the default format from the configuration. Fallbacks to 'json' * if the corresponding configuration option $config['rest_default_format'] * is missing or is empty * * @access protected * @return string The default supported input format */ protected function _get_default_output_format() { $default_format = (string) $this->config->item('rest_default_format'); return $default_format === '' ? 'json' : $default_format; } /** * Detect which format should be used to output the data * * @access protected * @return mixed|NULL|string Output format */ protected function _detect_output_format() { // Concatenate formats to a regex pattern e.g. \.(csv|json|xml) $pattern = '/\.('.implode('|', array_keys($this->_supported_formats)).')($|\/)/'; $matches = []; // Check if a file extension is used e.g. http://example.com/api/index.json?param1=param2 if (preg_match($pattern, $this->uri->uri_string(), $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } // Get the format parameter named as 'format' if (isset($this->_get_args['format'])) { $format = strtolower($this->_get_args['format']); if (isset($this->_supported_formats[$format]) === TRUE) { return $format; } } // Get the HTTP_ACCEPT server variable $http_accept = $this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT'); // Otherwise, check the HTTP_ACCEPT server variable if ($this->config->item('rest_ignore_http_accept') === FALSE && $http_accept !== NULL) { // Check all formats against the HTTP_ACCEPT header foreach (array_keys($this->_supported_formats) as $format) { // Has this format been requested? if (strpos($http_accept, $format) !== FALSE) { if ($format !== 'html' && $format !== 'xml') { // If not HTML or XML assume it's correct return $format; } elseif ($format === 'html' && strpos($http_accept, 'xml') === FALSE) { // HTML or XML have shown up as a match // If it is truly HTML, it wont want any XML return $format; } else if ($format === 'xml' && strpos($http_accept, 'html') === FALSE) { // If it is truly XML, it wont want any HTML return $format; } } } } // Check if the controller has a default format if (empty($this->rest_format) === FALSE) { return $this->rest_format; } // Obtain the default format from the configuration return $this->_get_default_output_format(); } /** * Get the HTTP request string e.g. get or post * * @access protected * @return string|NULL Supported request method as a lowercase string; otherwise, NULL if not supported */ protected function _detect_method() { // Declare a variable to store the method $method = NULL; // Determine whether the 'enable_emulate_request' setting is enabled if ($this->config->item('enable_emulate_request') === TRUE) { $method = $this->input->post('_method'); if ($method === NULL) { $method = $this->input->server('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE'); } $method = strtolower($method); } if (empty($method)) { // Get the request method as a lowercase string $method = $this->input->method(); } return in_array($method, $this->allowed_http_methods) && method_exists($this, '_parse_' . $method) ? $method : 'get'; } /** * See if the user has provided an API key * * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function _detect_api_key() { // Get the api key name variable set in the rest config file $api_key_variable = $this->config->item('rest_key_name'); // Work out the name of the SERVER entry based on config $key_name = 'HTTP_' . strtoupper(str_replace('-', '_', $api_key_variable)); $this->rest->key = NULL; $this->rest->level = NULL; $this->rest->user_id = NULL; $this->rest->ignore_limits = FALSE; // Find the key from server or arguments if (($key = isset($this->_args[$api_key_variable]) ? $this->_args[$api_key_variable] : $this->input->server($key_name))) { if ( ! ($row = $this->rest->db->where($this->config->item('rest_key_column'), $key)->get($this->config->item('rest_keys_table'))->row())) { return FALSE; } $this->rest->key = $row->{$this->config->item('rest_key_column')}; isset($row->user_id) && $this->rest->user_id = $row->user_id; isset($row->level) && $this->rest->level = $row->level; isset($row->ignore_limits) && $this->rest->ignore_limits = $row->ignore_limits; $this->_apiuser = $row; /* * If "is private key" is enabled, compare the ip address with the list * of valid ip addresses stored in the database */ if (empty($row->is_private_key) === FALSE) { // Check for a list of valid ip addresses if (isset($row->ip_addresses)) { // multiple ip addresses must be separated using a comma, explode and loop $list_ip_addresses = explode(',', $row->ip_addresses); $ip_address = $this->input->ip_address(); $found_address = FALSE; foreach ($list_ip_addresses as $ip_address) { if ($ip_address === trim($ip_address)) { // there is a match, set the the value to TRUE and break out of the loop $found_address = TRUE; break; } } return $found_address; } else { // There should be at least one IP address for this private key return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // No key has been sent return FALSE; } /** * Preferred return language * * @access protected * @return string|NULL|array The language code */ protected function _detect_lang() { $lang = $this->input->server('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'); if ($lang === NULL) { return NULL; } // It appears more than one language has been sent using a comma delimiter if (strpos($lang, ',') !== FALSE) { $langs = explode(',', $lang); $return_langs = []; foreach ($langs as $lang) { // Remove weight and trim leading and trailing whitespace list($lang) = explode(';', $lang); $return_langs[] = trim($lang); } return $return_langs; } // Otherwise simply return as a string return $lang; } /** * Add the request to the log table * * @access protected * @param bool $authorized TRUE the user is authorized; otherwise, FALSE * @return bool TRUE the data was inserted; otherwise, FALSE */ protected function _log_request($authorized = FALSE) { // Insert the request into the log table $is_inserted = $this->rest->db ->insert( $this->config->item('rest_logs_table'), [ 'uri' => $this->uri->uri_string(), 'method' => $this->request->method, 'params' => $this->_args ? ($this->config->item('rest_logs_json_params') === TRUE ? json_encode($this->_args) : serialize($this->_args)) : NULL, 'api_key' => isset($this->rest->key) ? $this->rest->key : '', 'ip_address' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'time' => time(), 'authorized' => $authorized ]); // Get the last insert id to update at a later stage of the request $this->_insert_id = $this->rest->db->insert_id(); return $is_inserted; } /** * Check if the requests to a controller method exceed a limit * * @access protected * @param string $controller_method The method being called * @return bool TRUE the call limit is below the threshold; otherwise, FALSE */ protected function _check_limit($controller_method) { // They are special, or it might not even have a limit if (empty($this->rest->ignore_limits) === FALSE) { // Everything is fine return TRUE; } $api_key = isset($this->rest->key) ? $this->rest->key : ''; switch ($this->config->item('rest_limits_method')) { case 'IP_ADDRESS': $api_key = $this->input->ip_address(); $limited_uri = 'ip-address:' . $api_key; break; case 'API_KEY': $limited_uri = 'api-key:' . $api_key; break; case 'METHOD_NAME': $limited_uri = 'method-name:' . $controller_method; break; case 'ROUTED_URL': default: $limited_uri = $this->uri->ruri_string(); if (strpos(strrev($limited_uri), strrev($this->response->format)) === 0) { $limited_uri = substr($limited_uri,0, -strlen($this->response->format) - 1); } $limited_uri = 'uri:'.$limited_uri.':'.$this->request->method; // It's good to differentiate GET from PUT break; } if (isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['limit']) === FALSE ) { // Everything is fine return TRUE; } // How many times can you get to this method in a defined time_limit (default: 1 hour)? $limit = $this->methods[$controller_method]['limit']; $time_limit = (isset($this->methods[$controller_method]['time']) ? $this->methods[$controller_method]['time'] : 3600); // 3600 = 60 * 60 // Get data about a keys' usage and limit to one row $result = $this->rest->db ->where('uri', $limited_uri) ->where('api_key', $api_key) ->get($this->config->item('rest_limits_table')) ->row(); // No calls have been made for this key if ($result === NULL) { // Create a new row for the following key $this->rest->db->insert($this->config->item('rest_limits_table'), [ 'uri' => $limited_uri, 'api_key' =>$api_key, 'count' => 1, 'hour_started' => time() ]); } // Been a time limit (or by default an hour) since they called elseif ($result->hour_started < (time() - $time_limit)) { // Reset the started period and count $this->rest->db ->where('uri', $limited_uri) ->where('api_key', $api_key) ->set('hour_started', time()) ->set('count', 1) ->update($this->config->item('rest_limits_table')); } // They have called within the hour, so lets update else { // The limit has been exceeded if ($result->count >= $limit) { return FALSE; } // Increase the count by one $this->rest->db ->where('uri', $limited_uri) ->where('api_key', $api_key) ->set('count', 'count + 1', FALSE) ->update($this->config->item('rest_limits_table')); } return TRUE; } /** * Check if there is a specific auth type set for the current class/method/HTTP-method being called * * @access protected * @return bool */ protected function _auth_override_check() { // Assign the class/method auth type override array from the config $auth_override_class_method = $this->config->item('auth_override_class_method'); // Check to see if the override array is even populated if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method)) { // Check for wildcard flag for rules for classes if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'])) // Check for class overrides { // No auth override found, prepare nothing but send back a TRUE override flag if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'] === 'none') { return TRUE; } // Basic auth override found, prepare basic if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'] === 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); return TRUE; } // Digest auth override found, prepare digest if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'] === 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); return TRUE; } // Session auth override found, check session if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'] === 'session') { $this->_check_php_session(); return TRUE; } // Whitelist auth override found, check client's ip against config whitelist if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class]['*'] === 'whitelist') { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); return TRUE; } } // Check to see if there's an override value set for the current class/method being called if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method])) { // None auth override found, prepare nothing but send back a TRUE override flag if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] === 'none') { return TRUE; } // Basic auth override found, prepare basic if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] === 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); return TRUE; } // Digest auth override found, prepare digest if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] === 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); return TRUE; } // Session auth override found, check session if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] === 'session') { $this->_check_php_session(); return TRUE; } // Whitelist auth override found, check client's ip against config whitelist if ($auth_override_class_method[$this->router->class][$this->router->method] === 'whitelist') { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); return TRUE; } } } // Assign the class/method/HTTP-method auth type override array from the config $auth_override_class_method_http = $this->config->item('auth_override_class_method_http'); // Check to see if the override array is even populated if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method_http)) { // check for wildcard flag for rules for classes if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method])) { // None auth override found, prepare nothing but send back a TRUE override flag if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method] === 'none') { return TRUE; } // Basic auth override found, prepare basic if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method] === 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); return TRUE; } // Digest auth override found, prepare digest if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method] === 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); return TRUE; } // Session auth override found, check session if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method] === 'session') { $this->_check_php_session(); return TRUE; } // Whitelist auth override found, check client's ip against config whitelist if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class]['*'][$this->request->method] === 'whitelist') { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); return TRUE; } } // Check to see if there's an override value set for the current class/method/HTTP-method being called if ( ! empty($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method])) { // None auth override found, prepare nothing but send back a TRUE override flag if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method] === 'none') { return TRUE; } // Basic auth override found, prepare basic if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method] === 'basic') { $this->_prepare_basic_auth(); return TRUE; } // Digest auth override found, prepare digest if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method] === 'digest') { $this->_prepare_digest_auth(); return TRUE; } // Session auth override found, check session if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method] === 'session') { $this->_check_php_session(); return TRUE; } // Whitelist auth override found, check client's ip against config whitelist if ($auth_override_class_method_http[$this->router->class][$this->router->method][$this->request->method] === 'whitelist') { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * Parse the GET request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_get() { // Merge both the URI segments and query parameters $this->_get_args = array_merge($this->_get_args, $this->_query_args); } /** * Parse the POST request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_post() { $this->_post_args = $_POST; if ($this->request->format) { $this->request->body = $this->input->raw_input_stream; } } /** * Parse the PUT request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_put() { if ($this->request->format) { $this->request->body = $this->input->raw_input_stream; if ($this->request->format === 'json') { $this->_put_args = json_decode($this->input->raw_input_stream); } } else if ($this->input->method() === 'put') { // If no file type is provided, then there are probably just arguments $this->_put_args = $this->input->input_stream(); } } /** * Parse the HEAD request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_head() { // Parse the HEAD variables parse_str(parse_url($this->input->server('REQUEST_URI'), PHP_URL_QUERY), $head); // Merge both the URI segments and HEAD params $this->_head_args = array_merge($this->_head_args, $head); } /** * Parse the OPTIONS request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_options() { // Parse the OPTIONS variables parse_str(parse_url($this->input->server('REQUEST_URI'), PHP_URL_QUERY), $options); // Merge both the URI segments and OPTIONS params $this->_options_args = array_merge($this->_options_args, $options); } /** * Parse the PATCH request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_patch() { // It might be a HTTP body if ($this->request->format) { $this->request->body = $this->input->raw_input_stream; } else if ($this->input->method() === 'patch') { // If no file type is provided, then there are probably just arguments $this->_patch_args = $this->input->input_stream(); } } /** * Parse the DELETE request arguments * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_delete() { // These should exist if a DELETE request if ($this->input->method() === 'delete') { $this->_delete_args = $this->input->input_stream(); } } /** * Parse the query parameters * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _parse_query() { $this->_query_args = $this->input->get(); } // INPUT FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve a value from a GET request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the GET request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the GET request; otherwise, NULL */ public function get($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_get_args; } return isset($this->_get_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_get_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a OPTIONS request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the OPTIONS request. * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the OPTIONS request; otherwise, NULL */ public function options($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_options_args; } return isset($this->_options_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_options_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a HEAD request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the HEAD request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the HEAD request; otherwise, NULL */ public function head($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_head_args; } return isset($this->_head_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_head_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a POST request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the POST request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the POST request; otherwise, NULL */ public function post($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_post_args; } return isset($this->_post_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_post_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a PUT request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the PUT request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the PUT request; otherwise, NULL */ public function put($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_put_args; } return isset($this->_put_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_put_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a DELETE request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the DELETE request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the DELETE request; otherwise, NULL */ public function delete($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_delete_args; } return isset($this->_delete_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_delete_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from a PATCH request * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the PATCH request * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the PATCH request; otherwise, NULL */ public function patch($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_patch_args; } return isset($this->_patch_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_patch_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Retrieve a value from the query parameters * * @access public * @param NULL $key Key to retrieve from the query parameters * If NULL an array of arguments is returned * @param NULL $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return array|string|NULL Value from the query parameters; otherwise, NULL */ public function query($key = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL) { if ($key === NULL) { return $this->_query_args; } return isset($this->_query_args[$key]) ? $this->_xss_clean($this->_query_args[$key], $xss_clean) : NULL; } /** * Sanitizes data so that Cross Site Scripting Hacks can be * prevented * * @access protected * @param string $value Input data * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return string */ protected function _xss_clean($value, $xss_clean) { is_bool($xss_clean) || $xss_clean = $this->_enable_xss; return $xss_clean === TRUE ? $this->security->xss_clean($value) : $value; } /** * Retrieve the validation errors * * @access public * @return array */ public function validation_errors() { $string = strip_tags($this->form_validation->error_string()); return explode(PHP_EOL, trim($string, PHP_EOL)); } // SECURITY FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Perform LDAP Authentication * * @access protected * @param string $username The username to validate * @param string $password The password to validate * @return bool */ protected function _perform_ldap_auth($username = '', $password = NULL) { if (empty($username)) { log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: failure, empty username'); return FALSE; } log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Loading configuration'); $this->config->load('ldap', TRUE); $ldap = [ 'timeout' => $this->config->item('timeout', 'ldap'), 'host' => $this->config->item('server', 'ldap'), 'port' => $this->config->item('port', 'ldap'), 'rdn' => $this->config->item('binduser', 'ldap'), 'pass' => $this->config->item('bindpw', 'ldap'), 'basedn' => $this->config->item('basedn', 'ldap'), ]; log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Connect to ' . (isset($ldaphost) ? $ldaphost : '[ldap not configured]')); // Connect to the ldap server $ldapconn = ldap_connect($ldap['host'], $ldap['port']); if ($ldapconn) { log_message('debug', 'Setting timeout to '.$ldap['timeout'].' seconds'); ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, $ldap['timeout']); log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Binding to '.$ldap['host'].' with dn '.$ldap['rdn']); // Binding to the ldap server $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldap['rdn'], $ldap['pass']); // Verify the binding if ($ldapbind === FALSE) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: bind was unsuccessful'); return FALSE; } log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: bind successful'); } // Search for user if (($res_id = ldap_search($ldapconn, $ldap['basedn'], "uid=$username")) === FALSE) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: User '.$username.' not found in search'); return FALSE; } if (ldap_count_entries($ldapconn, $res_id) !== 1) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: Failure, username '.$username.'found more than once'); return FALSE; } if (($entry_id = ldap_first_entry($ldapconn, $res_id)) === FALSE) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: Failure, entry of search result could not be fetched'); return FALSE; } if (($user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldapconn, $entry_id)) === FALSE) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: Failure, user-dn could not be fetched'); return FALSE; } // User found, could not authenticate as user if (($link_id = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $user_dn, $password)) === FALSE) { log_message('error', 'LDAP Auth: Failure, username/password did not match: ' . $user_dn); return FALSE; } log_message('debug', 'LDAP Auth: Success '.$user_dn.' authenticated successfully'); $this->_user_ldap_dn = $user_dn; ldap_close($ldapconn); return TRUE; } /** * Perform Library Authentication - Override this function to change the way the library is called * * @access protected * @param string $username The username to validate * @param string $password The password to validate * @return bool */ protected function _perform_library_auth($username = '', $password = NULL) { if (empty($username)) { log_message('error', 'Library Auth: Failure, empty username'); return FALSE; } $auth_library_class = strtolower($this->config->item('auth_library_class')); $auth_library_function = strtolower($this->config->item('auth_library_function')); if (empty($auth_library_class)) { log_message('debug', 'Library Auth: Failure, empty auth_library_class'); return FALSE; } if (empty($auth_library_function)) { log_message('debug', 'Library Auth: Failure, empty auth_library_function'); return FALSE; } if (is_callable([$auth_library_class, $auth_library_function]) === FALSE) { $this->load->library($auth_library_class); } return $this->{$auth_library_class}->$auth_library_function($username, $password); } /** * Check if the user is logged in * * @access protected * @param string $username The user's name * @param bool|string $password The user's password * @return bool */ protected function _check_login($username = NULL, $password = FALSE) { if (empty($username)) { return FALSE; } $auth_source = strtolower($this->config->item('auth_source')); $rest_auth = strtolower($this->config->item('rest_auth')); $valid_logins = $this->config->item('rest_valid_logins'); if ( ! $this->config->item('auth_source') && $rest_auth === 'digest') { // For digest we do not have a password passed as argument return md5($username.':'.$this->config->item('rest_realm').':'.(isset($valid_logins[$username]) ? $valid_logins[$username] : '')); } if ($password === FALSE) { return FALSE; } if ($auth_source === 'ldap') { log_message('debug', "Performing LDAP authentication for $username"); return $this->_perform_ldap_auth($username, $password); } if ($auth_source === 'library') { log_message('debug', "Performing Library authentication for $username"); return $this->_perform_library_auth($username, $password); } if (array_key_exists($username, $valid_logins) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } if ($valid_logins[$username] !== $password) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Check to see if the user is logged in with a PHP session key * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _check_php_session() { // If whitelist is enabled it has the first chance to kick them out if ($this->config->item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } // Get the auth_source config item $key = $this->config->item('auth_source'); // If false, then the user isn't logged in if ( ! $this->session->userdata($key)) { // Display an error response $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_unauthorized') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } } /** * Prepares for basic authentication * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _prepare_basic_auth() { // If whitelist is enabled it has the first chance to kick them out if ($this->config->item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } // Returns NULL if the SERVER variables PHP_AUTH_USER and HTTP_AUTHENTICATION don't exist $username = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'); $http_auth = $this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHENTICATION') ?: $this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'); $password = NULL; if ($username !== NULL) { $password = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'); } elseif ($http_auth !== NULL) { // If the authentication header is set as basic, then extract the username and password from // HTTP_AUTHORIZATION e.g. my_username:my_password. This is passed in the .htaccess file if (strpos(strtolower($http_auth), 'basic') === 0) { // Search online for HTTP_AUTHORIZATION workaround to explain what this is doing list($username, $password) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'), 6))); } } // Check if the user is logged into the system if ($this->_check_login($username, $password) === FALSE) { $this->_force_login(); } } /** * Prepares for digest authentication * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _prepare_digest_auth() { // If whitelist is enabled it has the first chance to kick them out if ($this->config->item('rest_ip_whitelist_enabled')) { $this->_check_whitelist_auth(); } // We need to test which server authentication variable to use, // because the PHP ISAPI module in IIS acts different from CGI $digest_string = $this->input->server('PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'); if ($digest_string === NULL) { $digest_string = $this->input->server('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'); } $unique_id = uniqid(); // The $_SESSION['error_prompted'] variable is used to ask the password // again if none given or if the user enters wrong auth information if (empty($digest_string)) { $this->_force_login($unique_id); } // We need to retrieve authentication data from the $digest_string variable $matches = []; preg_match_all('@(username|nonce|uri|nc|cnonce|qop|response)=[\'"]?([^\'",]+)@', $digest_string, $matches); $digest = (empty($matches[1]) || empty($matches[2])) ? [] : array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); // For digest authentication the library function should return already stored md5(username:restrealm:password) for that username see rest.php::auth_library_function config if (isset($digest['username']) === FALSE || $this->_check_login($digest['username'], TRUE) === FALSE) { $this->_force_login($unique_id); } $md5 = md5(strtoupper($this->request->method).':'.$digest['uri']); $valid_response = md5($digest['username'].':'.$digest['nonce'].':'.$digest['nc'].':'.$digest['cnonce'].':'.$digest['qop'].':'.$md5); // Check if the string don't compare (case-insensitive) if (strcasecmp($digest['response'], $valid_response) !== 0) { // Display an error response $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_invalid_credentials') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } } /** * Checks if the client's ip is in the 'rest_ip_blacklist' config and generates a 401 response * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _check_blacklist_auth() { // Match an ip address in a blacklist e.g., $pattern = sprintf('/(?:,\s*|^)\Q%s\E(?=,\s*|$)/m', $this->input->ip_address()); // Returns 1, 0 or FALSE (on error only). Therefore implicitly convert 1 to TRUE if (preg_match($pattern, $this->config->item('rest_ip_blacklist'))) { // Display an error response $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_ip_denied') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } } /** * Check if the client's ip is in the 'rest_ip_whitelist' config and generates a 401 response * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _check_whitelist_auth() { $whitelist = explode(',', $this->config->item('rest_ip_whitelist')); array_push($whitelist, '', ''); foreach ($whitelist as &$ip) { // As $ip is a reference, trim leading and trailing whitespace, then store the new value // using the reference $ip = trim($ip); } if (in_array($this->input->ip_address(), $whitelist) === FALSE) { $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_ip_unauthorized') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } } /** * Force logging in by setting the WWW-Authenticate header * * @access protected * @param string $nonce A server-specified data string which should be uniquely generated * each time * @return void */ protected function _force_login($nonce = '') { $rest_auth = strtolower($this->config->item('rest_auth')); $rest_realm = $this->config->item('rest_realm'); if ($rest_auth === 'basic') { // See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617#page-5 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$rest_realm.'"'); } elseif ($rest_auth === 'digest') { // See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617#page-18 header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$rest_realm .'", qop="auth", nonce="'.$nonce .'", opaque="' . md5($rest_realm).'"'); } if ($this->config->item('strict_api_and_auth') === true) { $this->is_valid_request = false; } // Display an error response $this->response([ $this->config->item('rest_status_field_name') => FALSE, $this->config->item('rest_message_field_name') => $this->lang->line('text_rest_unauthorized') ], self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } /** * Updates the log table with the total access time * * @access protected * @author Chris Kacerguis * @return bool TRUE log table updated; otherwise, FALSE */ protected function _log_access_time() { if($this->_insert_id == ''){ return false; } $payload['rtime'] = $this->_end_rtime - $this->_start_rtime; return $this->rest->db->update( $this->config->item('rest_logs_table'), $payload, [ 'id' => $this->_insert_id ]); } /** * Updates the log table with HTTP response code * * @access protected * @author Justin Chen * @param $http_code int HTTP status code * @return bool TRUE log table updated; otherwise, FALSE */ protected function _log_response_code($http_code) { if($this->_insert_id == ''){ return false; } $payload['response_code'] = $http_code; return $this->rest->db->update( $this->config->item('rest_logs_table'), $payload, [ 'id' => $this->_insert_id ]); } /** * Check to see if the API key has access to the controller and methods * * @access protected * @return bool TRUE the API key has access; otherwise, FALSE */ protected function _check_access() { // If we don't want to check access, just return TRUE if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_access') === FALSE) { return TRUE; } // Fetch controller based on path and controller name $controller = implode( '/', [ $this->router->directory, $this->router->class ]); // Remove any double slashes for safety $controller = str_replace('//', '/', $controller); //check if the key has all_access $accessRow = $this->rest->db ->where('key', $this->rest->key) ->where('controller', $controller) ->get($this->config->item('rest_access_table'))->row_array(); if (!empty($accessRow) && !empty($accessRow['all_access'])) { return TRUE; } return false; } /** * Checks allowed domains, and adds appropriate headers for HTTP access control (CORS) * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _check_cors() { // Convert the config items into strings $allowed_headers = implode(', ', $this->config->item('allowed_cors_headers')); $allowed_methods = implode(', ', $this->config->item('allowed_cors_methods')); // If we want to allow any domain to access the API if ($this->config->item('allow_any_cors_domain') === TRUE) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '.$allowed_headers); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: '.$allowed_methods); } else { // We're going to allow only certain domains access // Store the HTTP Origin header $origin = $this->input->server('HTTP_ORIGIN'); if ($origin === NULL) { $origin = ''; } // If the origin domain is in the allowed_cors_origins list, then add the Access Control headers if (in_array($origin, $this->config->item('allowed_cors_origins'))) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.$origin); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '.$allowed_headers); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: '.$allowed_methods); } } // If there are headers that should be forced in the CORS check, add them now if (is_array($this->config->item('forced_cors_headers'))) { foreach ($this->config->item('forced_cors_headers') as $header => $value) { header($header . ': ' . $value); } } // If the request HTTP method is 'OPTIONS', kill the response and send it to the client if ($this->input->method() === 'options') { // Load DB if needed for logging if (!isset($this->rest->db) && $this->config->item('rest_enable_logging')) { $this->rest->db = $this->load->database($this->config->item('rest_database_group'), TRUE); } exit; } } }